Saturday, September 4, 2021

U.S. Shampoo Cunts Court

Just yesterday, the United States Supreme Court found a new meaning, unrehearsed and orchestrated by the forever time beings, love it or leave it a job for life with no accountability do as you please sleep on the clock, as now the “United Shampoo Cunts Court” seems much more appropriate. For real, the “State of the State” was “ShampooIED” and it means that Baby Brett Kavanaloof will soon be the happy recipient of the Ron Jeremy “Dick Award”, for this associate justice’s craving the longest self-inflicted orgasm while working. AKA, jerking off under the desk. Look, when the stool shoe fits wear it pigeon fools! See, not in dismay this sentimental “name-blame-game” journey, call a spade a spade, the Supreme Cunts wears it well, I will get to the “shampoo”. See, when the Supreme Court found no interest, that through inaction, hesitant the obligation in upholding the “Constitution” that which defends “Democracy”, this hot-off-the-full-court-press “shampooIED” opine on “absorption of abortion”, this Improvised Explosive Decision thus allowed for Texas to support the Taliban’s demonstration that “Woman is the NIGGER of the world” still…in the fact that this “unprecedented inaction” a dereliction of the SCOTUS in its once-upon-a-time finding in merit a Constitutional conviction. What it means, move over ROEver and let the whipping post pleasure palace take over. This “opine”, it will allow for wannabe Taliban followers and believers acting as bonafide “American Bounty Hunters” to file frivolous lawsuits that are now guaranteed to hold a woman’s virgina hostage. And wait there’s more, with ransom for hire and “WANTED - $10,000 Reward” for those that think like the Taliban in “banning” a woman’s right, this is unprecedented and proves that the Wiggerman has been castrated by political ideals entering the jurisprudence of…in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” the “conviction” to never surrender “Democracy” now constipated. Look, today the women in Afghanistan are protesting, that the recent castration of a woman’s right here in Miss Libertyville is sinking to new lows. Matter of fact, when some Afghanistan women evacuee refuges, those that had been “in country” but for a few days, finally a good night’s sleep only to wake and hear how the Supreme Cunts have ruled, they wanted to go back to Kabul! Women under the Taliban are today finding more “rights” then what one deserves and should be able to enjoy if residing in Texas. And the Lone Stud is one of the states that finds military bases filled with these refuges, and under this new “Supreme Cunts” ruling mind you, it means the Taliban flagellation ritual followed these escapees to their new-found home! It is a worst-case scenario nightmare, risking your life to get away from Afghanistan only to find an unwelcome mat, or more whips to worship! And Florida, because assholes like DeSantisclaus Gaetz thinks like Hershell Walker, well this coward cow-prod state is soon to be like the coward cow-pie state, it is a form of wife beating getting the blessing from the Supreme Cunts! More cow-bell? HELL NO, more “Shampoo”! Yes, a contaminated court that thinks like Hershell, which means that when the foot-ball deflated and he had thoughts of killing his wife, well with personality #17 the enjoyment rested not in a “bullet point-blank to the head” blood-shed and all mentality, but how the maggots could then eat her brains out. I would say that Clarence Alito Attila made this ban upon “It was an abortion, Michael. It was a son. A son. And I had it killed. Because this must all end. I know now that it’s over. I knew it then. There would be no way, Michael, no way you could ever forgive me. Not with this Scalia thing that’s been going on for two thousand years.”, when on personality “TILT”. This is the Fuck’n Moron’s protégé and the “Supreme Cunts” seem to be in step with the Moron attraction. Look, Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell want Democracy “destroyed”, and the way these Confederates were allowed to stack the “High Court”, well the Supreme Cunts Court namesake fits their shame in shamming. Take away a woman’s rights, allow her to be abused and reward those that turn in the abused seeking help, well it fits right in with Texas wanting to limit the voting rights of individuals - as does Florida. I guess now that “battered woman” shelters will be targeted as “illegal”, a place for the homeless? Face the facts, the past U.S. Supreme Court under the now United Shampoo Supreme Cunts, it is in line with the Taliban! The WAR is not over with, it is just beginning here in the Homeland! Donald and Mitch, MAGA dildo butt buddies that have nothing better to do but share their pain & suffering, the latter from an over-stimulated MAGA dildo stuck too far up their assholes for far too long, now extending up the assholes of the Supremes. Else both must be sexually frustrated, as I doubt if Mitch gets a hum-job from Melania or if Donald gets a ream-job from Elaine and with necrophilia no longer an option with the Supreme beings, now that Ruth is confined to a sealed coffin…

Supreme Cunt: Either way. I don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
Virgina: Did you order the code red?
Supreme Cunt: You're God damn right I did!
Virgina: I can deal with the bullets, and the bombs, and the blood. I don't want money, and I don't want medals. What I do want is for you to stand there in that faggoty white-man robe and with your Harvard mouth extend me some fucking courtesy. 

So Dear Supreme Cunts Court, may I take a line from Melvin; “Amy, you oughta just shampoo my crotch”! and the United States Shampoo Cunts Court…”We the People Patriots” must defend ourselves against this Taliban cattle prod, else Democracy will be replaced by “Necroatrocity”. The sad fact of the matter, all the recent additions to the Shampoo Court”, these cunts lied when asked about “abortion” and law abiding finding precedence across “this land is my land this land is your land”, as precedence was “golden”. And to hitch a free-ride for life, they all said they would forever honor that “precedence set” and when life-long membership in that “Court” finds liars…that precedence set is obliterated to smithereens, which means the Confederates are gaining ground. Mind you, this time around when the wind blows and the cradle of democracy is rocked in revolution, when the smoke lifts, this time around we will not ban the hanging tree for the “Turncoats” as our greatest mistake was to allow the beaten Confederates to enjoy life and liberty and a pursuit of happiness, which to some it meant incest found new life that which should have been aborted and we have now before us a whole new “Deliverance” generation, that which has been enjoined with the likes of the “High Court” to allow this incest as an infestation targeting “Democracy”. Look, Donald Trump wanted a “High Court” gunning for a pro-life stance, he won. But do you really think the Fuck’n Moron is innocent of rape and I wonder just how many “abortions” he owns and is proud about? And look at what incest does…we end up with the McConnells, the McCarthys, the Meadows the list reeks with mutiny by mutants, as if the secret formula for the Confederacy is just that, rape not want not? I guess a good theme song for the United States Shampoo Cunts Court is none other then “Dueling Banjos”.

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