Thursday, September 30, 2021

Thank You Elaine Chao

 My Fellow Man;

I guess “We the People Proletariats” owe Mitch McConnell’s beau-weevil a deep-down deep-throat, cut the cheese cut to the chase a heartfelt appreciation THANKS! See, there was almost a bewildered government “shutdown”, scheduled for today at 2400 hours. Praytell for the time-being avoided and Elaine Chao, one of Vince McMahon’s “Chyna Doll” proteges, she may have been instrumental in getting her husband Mitch to cum around. See, it all began with the threat of a “shutdown”, as when that actually happens workers get the furlough middle-finger bonus, “You’re Fired” and head for the unemployment line. It means essential services like “plunger duty” goes by the wayside and if the shit trough runnith ova’, just like occurred on January 6th when the so-called GOP Insurgency“R”Us overflowed the Congressional toilets, well the fact the GOP likes the cesspool nothing then gets accomplished. That was a Sad Sack stinking day, as Lauren Boebarf and Marjorie Taylor Made Greene Stool were forced to use the Men’s Room frequented by Jim Jordan’s fromunder soiled jock strap - aka MAGA men in tights, meant panties. Yes according to Woodward in “Perils of Pauline”, Elaine was given a “toilet plunger” and was then told she would have to clean that same “Men’s Room” at the Capitol, this “dirty duty calls” by Senate Minority Leader Mitch, well versed in that “minority status” so for Elaine it was through the tinkle-down theory this “duty” in due diligence. And the latter “duty” finds the “Patriotism” label, since the Congress must remain in order even during a shutdown, so Mitch drafted Elaine to man the “plunger”. It follows the truth we cannot stand, more then ever today especially after 4-years under a Donald Trump, that “Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is, just take a look to the one you’re with Mitch”! So Elaine begged that never too happen, as to be seen with a “plunger” it would ruin her social image and at the last hour, Mitch conceded and gave Elaine an out, at least until after Christmas. Yes, call it the “Plunger Affair”, but Mitch then gave in and gave Schumer the “Green Light” to keep things moving along with the government, no shutdowns. And soon-after, Pelosi gaveled a shot-in-the-arm for government $funding$. Now the “extension” is good through December 3rd and since Congress plays hooky the entire month of Christmas, no need for “plunger duty” for Elaine during the holidays. But “Happy New Year” may be a short-lived treat. Regardless of the future, in the meantime, way to go Elaine! I guess it means Mitch wears the panties, that’s probably detailed in Woodward’s new “koob”. Amazing what keeps our government running, a damn “plunger” but better then constipation just ask Matt Gaetz, as when he attacked a 4-Star General maybe our government should have been on “furlough”, especially when pedophiles are aligned with that Insurgency“R”Us bowel movement and shitting on decency and honorable Military men and women. That plunger should be used to silence such jerks - Matt open wide Elaine has a surprise for you!

This letter is a follow-up to the September 28th publication titled "Mitch McConnell's Patriotism", as found on this blog.

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