Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Mitch McConnell’s Patriotism


Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao, well today this Washington “politically elite couple” have stepped up to the plate to show Americans what “We the People Patriots” are all about, when that push comes to shove. See, with an all-out attack by the GOP to stall any and all government funding going forward thus an Amtrak shutdown inevitable, with the trickle-down effect must keep the priorities running on credit the hell with the rest, it is the salt-of-the earth time-clockers that will be the first to loose that government “paycheck”. Be it known, there have come 78 times wherein the sitting U.S. President had to “temporarily extend” the funding of government, 49 of these “$money, some money, more money$ infusions under a republican party in charge. No “Let’s Make a Deal” this time around, according to the GOP that wants government to go under - at least for the duration until the GOP gets a wake-up call - from pissed off American Federal workers out-of-work with no medical coverage and must then pay $300-bucks for a life-saving COvid shot for each of their kid. This “Uncle Sam” goes bankrupt, in about 48-hours time, it means essential services like “latrine duty” at the Capitol will be “furloughed” and “thou crapper runneth over” will be, well like another “insurgency” to hit home the bathroom bandits are alive and well it stinks of Marjorie Taylor Made Greene Goddess Shit. At the same time, the members of Congress will continue to get laid and paid to play with “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, with benefits. So with the fact that the “crap cleaning duty” detailers will be a No-Show, Mitch has drafted Elaine - his loving wife - to man the plunger and keep Washington on the flush! There is NO other ways and means to show one’s PATRIOTISM. So Thank You Mitch and Thank You Elaine, for “Now is the time for all good men Chyna Dolls to come to the aid of their country”, man your “plungers”!

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