Friday, September 24, 2021

GOP Shirt "Noose" Polo


Shirt Polo - the “King sport of the GOP”. After losing the Republican led Arizona 2016 Presidential Recount, that which reaffirmed that Joe won the race “free and clear”, like poor and sore losers, the GOP Femdom Freedom Caucus(Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan gang) took the day off with pay to play “Shirt Polo”, a new game that is a fallout of the Fuck’n Moron. Historically, the polo ball was made of bamboo, which provided for a hard and lively ball. As an alternative, the GOP mob uses human refugees in the chase, much more lively! And instead of a mallet, the “Shirt Polo” allows the horse riders in pursuit of the refugees to grab onto the escaping human refugee “ball” in a “shirt” pull fashion from around the neck, in essence acting like a “noose” - as is acceptable as found in the rules book titled “Day of the Rope”, the GOP bible. Refugees that escape the “noose”, they are then confronted by Marjorie Taylor Made Green Shit armed with a 50-caliper MAGA Dildo assault rifle and given one direction “Home”, or else. This “Sport” was a favorite with Robert E. Lee and the “Confederacy” soldiers, wherein NOT refugees but “southern black folk" were the chased victims.

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