Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Bottom Feeding Scum of the Earth

Wake-up America, as Donald John Trump is no longer the problem, praytell he cannot today even find a cult-to-action rally in interest his Fuck’n Moronic followers. The exponential decay from what we saw and heard on January 6th in comparison to what transpired on September 18th, his admiration is in free-fall phase “Nothing Burger” a direct hit on failure land. And even when in “rubber bullet power” as the 45th, it was the GOP that mandated the Moron’s followers a lobotomy - that which included themselves first in line to let a “shaved pussy passion” disrupt “Patriotism”. As Anne Frank once said; “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion…what is done cannot be undone, but one can prevent it happening again.” So, time to write Tillerson’s Fuck’n Moron off, as the real problem is still with US! That problem is called Mitch “The Confederate” McConnell, who has been using the coattails of the Moron to further his own selfish agenda, to revive the “Confederacy”.

~ In May of 2020, Donald Trump removed the acting Inspector General who was not a political appointee and at the time was conducting an investigation into whether the Secretary of Transportation - Trump Administration appointee Elaine Chao - was giving preferential treatment to projects in Kentucky. Her husband is Senator Mitch McConnell, the same guy that gets his Senate “Minority Leader’s” marching orders from General Robert E. Lee’s grave.

~ With that “You’re Fired”, Trump appointed Howard "Skip" Elliott as interim Inspector General of the Transportation Department. Chao-Chao was Elliot’s boss, directing the same guy that was now looking into Chao - its called the Mobius Strip mentality, so it means a “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

~ In March of 2021, the “fired” Inspector General’s report was released citing Elaine Chao(Mitch’s CHYNA Doll) for numerous ethics violations, including using department resources for personal errands and referred the investigation towards the Justice Department and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Washington D.C., for criminal prosecution. Both declined to open criminal investigations into Chao.

The Sad Sack fact of the matter, all the time the Trump hoodlums and GOP bastards of Congress behind this shenanigans, they were collecting a salary courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers. Yes, paid handsomely to commit crimes! And from this little event wherein it appears that “crime does pay”, we see who was in control - NOT a Moron, but a Confederate and it is die hard “bottom feeding scum of the earth” politics. My Fellow American, it does NOT, it CANNOT get any more “Schweddy Scum Balls” then this! And what did Kentucky use that McConnell Chao-Chao $loot$ for? Just in, kids waiting for school buses in Mitch McConnell’s state under attack by drive by shooters. IMAGINE, kid sisters with brothers waiting to go to school to learn their ABC’s…its voter disenfranchising the CHYNA Doll’s way teach them young to be afraid! Who wears the pants in Mitch’s house, well his panties seem to fit well! 

WE the PEOPLE are FromUnder Attack!

Topple the CONFEDERACY before the McConnells stopple your “Freedoms”!

As a bonafide “Yankee”, as in Yankee Doodle Dandy with roots to Sam Slater and Oziel Wilkinson, my DNA finds refined senses that can smell out a Confederate, so well qualified to render that Mitch McConnell is “aiding & abetting” the rebirth of Robert E. Lee in effigy “My Country ‘Tis of Thee in Democracy”. And if only Mitch and his “House” bitches in heat(Kevin McCarthy, Jim “Jock-itch” Jordan) could for once realize through their actions they count themselves out of what it means for “Patriotism”. Ah better said to my Salt-of-the-Earth comrades...

Say a prayer for the common foot soldier
Spare a thought for his back breaking work
Say a prayer for his wife and his children

Raise your glass to the hard working people

Let's drink to the salt of the earth

Let's drink to the hard working people
Let's drink to the salt of the earth

McConnell’s “Scumfederacy Revolution” will be televised! 

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