Monday, September 20, 2021

2021’s Stupid News

With 104-days remaining in the year 2021, the PJW award for the “Stupidest Non-Worthy News Story” has been awarded to CNN.  The link to this “Stupid News” can be found below with a caption following, upon the gist of this story relayed so you don’t waste your time with “cesspool” journalism.

(CNN)Every breath Robby Walker takes is one that almost didn't happen.

Just a few weeks ago, the Florida father of six was on a ventilator with Covid-19 pneumonia in both lungs. Like most Americans hospitalized with Covid-19, Walker was not vaccinated.

No one knows exactly when or where Robby Walker got infected.

"We believe it happened over the Fourth of July weekend," Susan said. A relative and friend came to visit, and family festivities included several outings -- including to an indoor restaurant.

But no one in the family was vaccinated.

Susan had tested positive for Covid-19 in December and assumed her antibodies would protect her.


To Inform, Engage and Empower the World - seems they forgot “finger fucking”, as to find a story like this in interest, just what the Fuck’n Moron is trying to prove, we find hero worship for MAGA dildo frack-heads!

My honest take, FUCK’m as why in hell should these Trump jerks be rewarded with fame, should be shame has how many people did these idiots infect with the virus along the way? This is not a story to be told or heard, it is a mortal sin to think otherwise. Yet, it gives Trump winning points and at the same time throws righteousness under the Bozo’s bus!

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