Sunday, August 29, 2021

McConnell Trump's Taliban Sirhan


Abbey Gate - Kubal Airport - Update for August 29th, 2021

The “evacuee” foot traffic(live shot from this morning) at the Abbey Road Gate is back to normal following the celebratory bombing 2-days ago, carried out by a “celebrate, celebrate dance to the music” lunatic with a strap-on “shrapnel” MAGA dildo. Yes, the “Terrorist” in celebration that Robert F. Kennedy’s assassin Sirhan Sirhan was close to being “paroled” in California, that soon-to-be new-found “freedom” through a “sealed pardon” by Donald Trump, this “Get Out of Jail Free” card part of the U.S. “retreat pact” authorized by the Fuck’n Moron butt fuck’n the Taliban. And I am in total agreement without an iota of disagreement, in concert with Melvin Udall and to reiterate to all those that believe Joe Bidden is “failing” as “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in the role as Commander-in-Chief in jeopardy, well Mitch McConnell, just have Elaine “shampoo my crotch”!

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