Tuesday, July 6, 2021

April Fools’ Day - July 4th 2021

Buildings falling down in Florida, high-rise tax-sheltered condominiums for the rich sinking in Frisco, murder most foul on a golf course in Georgia, and Coca-Cola cans filled with “homemade TNT fireworks” big banging to destruction a Los Angeles law enforcement Explosive Ordinance Disposal vehicle? Hope there is a money-back guarantee on that contraption - it failed! Same with the ruble and maybe more ruble to come! So much for “the sky is falling”. Sounds like sea to shining sea tranquility, mission control we have a problem mission accomplished not so fast! So here we go again, that dreaded day of “noise” blasting away any semblance of civilized manhoods, wherein “cruelty of animals” is allowed as our canine companions go crazed over the “blasting”, the exception being Alaska which allows inhumane cruelty for sled dogs all the time. Imagine, being tied to a 5-foot chain, nowhere else to roam like a merry-go-round forever prancing in your own frozen shit. But what a weekend, so pinch me, as I thought it was April 1st so much afoul this fool’s day, but it’s the 4th of July! And for sure the Trump Tower is also sinking, that’s the only good pasture news! Let it fall, let it fall! But my New Year’s resolution now that the smoke has cleared away from all the “day before” ruckus with illegal firecrackers blowing NHL stars out of hot-tubs, wear a smile throw a wave I don’t care your race, color of face just cut to the chase. And even so my “Brotherly Love” on this Independence Day, there is a hoodlum like dysentery dysfunctional faction in this nation that is bent on destroying the New England patriots’ “Democracy”. My heritage is grounded in that “Original Colonies” foundation, Thank You forefathers. My sentiment the brat faction that kisses anything that resembles a Trump ass, bring it on, as what we saw on January 6th, just a bunch of lunatics that believe “war” means using a human fist to break windows, ouch! It’s safety glass assholes! Just to steal their way into the U.S. Capitol, where a bunch of Senators and fear mongering members of the Constipated Congress…well uselessness defined as just hanging around and doing nothing, exception getting handsomely paid by the U.S. Taxpayers as this “representation” waits for a resurrection. This “misrepresentation”, I feel like one on them sled-dogs and it stinks! So FEAR nothing, as that lunatic fringe is but for an excuse in exhaustion, both fringes, wherein “Mouth of Marbles”, aka “MOM” and seen running around with a Rachel Maddcow look alike costume…need I say more. I love my new “hoody”, especially the “Rachel Maddow Ruined My Marriage” epitaph. But we made it through another “Independence Day”, and when the winds of change blow and the cradle rocks, so will “We the People” unite as always behind Miss Liberty. And this time around for those McConnelblight Confederates, no leniency but march all the “traitors” off to the bad lands, and as we patriotic soldiers of Joe Biden’s “Militia” sing brave-heart with harmony in victory “when Johnny comes marching home again, hurrah, hurrah” and end our pilgrimage  for now and forevermore the Confederates in defeat the fireworks, their “Treasonous” affair will not be met with a 21-gun salute these fool hardy cowards of the sinking tower, but “dang me dang me, they oughta take a rope and hang me, high from the highest tree, Donald won’t you weep for me”. Smile, and “Do you renounce Dixie”?

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