Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Special Olimpics

No not a Merriam-Webster “auto-correct” moment in dereliction, but “limp” as today was 2nd Day of the Special Olimpics 2nd Impeachment of a Fucking Moron - as to witness the way an aging population of Senator’s limp to work…and we were so close to “Term Limits”! It gives “Dereliction-of-Duty” new meaning, a bunch of old farts with nothing better to do accept ruin a good thing once upon a time. And I ask, why are so many so afraid of retirement, as to do without before it is too damn late one more “Term” please, they are missing out of the American Dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yes, a dereliction! Sick, but once addicted to the “cesspool” no different then a pack of rats, left to right one in the same so insane. DEMOCRACY, inflated beyond resuscitation “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” missing-in-action a few good men, the abortion by those that couldn’t stand the truth. But for real this “riot” squad that stormed the Capitol that is the litmus test in evidence this 2nd Impeachment of a leach, it would be a dereliction upon my own conviction in “Patriotism” to think anything different then a gang of vagrant hoodlums who could not shoot straight! For REAL. Anyone afraid of this type of insurrection, remember we learned it all in kindergarten to be not afraid of faceless threats. If this is the best the lunatics can do, I sleep very good tonight knowing the “only thing to fear” is still undecided and the maggots of the Fucking Moron’s following…dog shit on hemorrhoids.  But I guess that is the reason I can enjoy retirement, not being a U.S. Senator - had I enjoyed that status during this pussy riot, I would have hijacked an officer’s gun and opened fired on this filth that descended upon the Halls of Congress, in a premeditated cold-blooded defense and await the consequences - give me liberty or give me death! Yet when we let down our guard and allow aliens unbecoming the American allegiance - like Mitch McConnell’s Chyna Doll, Donald Trump’s “Tennis Ball Bitch” Melania and why in hell we let Ted Cruz into America from Canada, we will continue to loose traction the meaning of the U.S. Constitution as this faction of POOPANon has but a single agenda - ruin away the American Dream by shitting on the Red, White & Blue!

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