Monday, November 2, 2020

Day of (w)Reckoning

Madding “Maddow Madcow” crowd! Monday Mourning “Hantavirus” Blues! Hannity Insanity Choir Tucker stool stuck! And that guy Steve with his Phineas J. Whoopee 3DBB “magical electoral college bulletin-board”, like advertising his pennis size, looks like a bagged snake squirming for relief! Yes, merely a Day of Wreckoning, as Wreck-it Ralph is alive and well as every damn headline news outlet talked only about “the most important presidential race of all times”. Look, that is the same old story the last “my lifetime lifeline” elections and it is a faded and worn out gesture thanks to the Supreme Court Jesters - as the “circus is in town and here comes the blind commissioner”…Sad Sack state of affairs, had to turn to Page-10 under “Obituaries” to get the latest on the COvid crisis. For real, thumbing past more important “Extree Extree Read All About It” adventurous advertisements for Dulcolax and or Kaopectate or extra-energizer Bunny batteries for that MAGA dildo so fashionable with Mitch McConnell followers…you get the point the race to abolish the severity of this “pandemic”, well Donald Jongthong Trump wins! And for real, “We the People” so divided are either suffering from constipation or diarrhea. And that may tip the scale, pushing the COvid into back-burner hibernation. But wake up, as nobody wins this “race race”. NO not a double-take, just double jeopardy. But if the U.S. Senate remains under control of the Confederates, with the likelihood the Democratic seizure of the Oval Office, well Eunuch-in-Chief is all that vote for Joe Bidden will be worth - a nothing burger for our Founding Fathers’ Democracy. Look, we learned it all in kindergarten, “divided we fall and divided we fail.” So since there is still no good news this “pandemic” and I don’t give a rat’s ass about the “swamp” that has not been drained and will not be drained as “Term Limits” was just a suggestion when we were so close to “RESPECT” and pulling that “drain plug”, I tuned out the election and the Madding “Madcow” Crowd! Yes indeed found something more deserving my Patriotism, turned on into something worthwhile and more appropriate for this day before, Bob Dylan telling us the truth - we are a messed up society in political reasoning. In simple town, “it is what it is” Trump’s famous last words finds a subliminal message that being “Murder Most Foul”. But my challenge still, as I have tested something that works regardless the Republic’s DEMOCRACY under attack by a Moron coalition. It is called “10-Smiles Many Miles”. I make contact to 10-individuals all walks of life during my day. It means initiating communications with a Simple Simon wave and a smile. Guess what, there is NO DIVIDE! Which means we have still the Patriotic wherewithal to be “Together Again”! So my take, give the Fucking Moron 4-more years to see if he really has it in him to get US out of this COvid stranglehold and can he really empty the swamp? I mean with his 1st Term as that “Wreck-it Ralph”, at least he should honor that sworn-to-oath between-the-sheets guarantee. And we cannot get our money back!  In the meantime, for real that Dr. Atlas went on Putin TV and said the CIA MKUltra experiment was working, that Donald Trump was approaching the “Manchurian Primate”? And for real Melania is a Russian SPY? It is all starting to add up and all we have left is a smile - for eachother and that is the best our VOTE in worth!

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