Sunday, October 25, 2020


ATTENTION: Commander on the Bridge!

THANK YOU BARACK OBAMA. No, not for your recent on-the-stump speech chastising a Fucking Moron, but let’s go back in time to something you did as the 44th that has made this COvid pandemic somewhat tolerable and allowed the economy to continue advancing. Had the latter suffered, we would be facing a Great Depression! A tribute long overdue, you Sir so deserving of praise this endeavor that is paramount “We the People” in success so far, during these trying times. Too bad the Office of the Presidency is today “For Sale”, taken over by a “vagrant” a True Grit Commander-in-Chief MIA. An idiot that believes placing Americans in “harm’s way” is the ultimate in playground bullying.

How does it feel, the realization that you will be remembered as the “Last American President”? But you were there for us then and today your steadfast resolve lingers, praytell! Matter of fact, this crystal ball into the future that you demonstrated back in 2009, well it is many, many more times above and beyond what the Moron has done in his only honorable category, that being “Northing” his lethargic legacy! You only are deserving of the credit behind this “gift of gab” you gave us, and it is paying off today sea to shining sea. “Can you hear me now”? And “Can you see me now”? You never once disenfranchised any State of the Union based on political siding, THANK YOU, your shining bright star in PATRIOTISM. And how we suffer today even more in image, in not having a First Lady’s presence in the Rose Garden!

In 2009, following the trashing of the White House by Dick Cheney and Friends while Dubya was asleep at the wheel of misfortune and the fallout a dysfunctional administration, letting down the guard allowed for the economy to climb into hibernation, an overnight sensation planned for January of the year you were to be ordained as the 44th United States President of these United States. We all remember the horror, as it was a planned attack, let the economy spiral out of control, an auguring into ground zero. That said, you had no time to lose sleep as you had a major undertaking to get this Nation sea to shining sea back on track, with DEMOCARCY still sailing strong. The attempt by the GOP failed, and here we are today, pay back is a bitch! And of course the Fucking Moron and his administration ran away on those coat-tails you took action upon blessed in concrete, it was your design that was the energizer bunny raising Old Glory, it keeps on giving like that U.S. Forever stamp of approval. Even long lasting after you had sailed away as this Nation’s greatest ever of U.S. Presidents. And this plan you proposed, it was bi-partisan as every damn American enjoyed the fruits of that labor - we live to tell about it today. But even though many have forgotten what was behind the greatest bail-out of record, today finds time to at least back track on one all important aspect of your American Reinvestment and Recovery Act. And of course, credit to your vice Joe for backing your plan of attack. Probably at the time, this one particular aspect of that legislation that I hone in upon today, it was the least likely to gain attention. It was a something before its time so did not sink in the importance of why you thought back then it was time to invest, in the “network” through a major undertaking rebuilding that “Can you hear me now” infrastructure.

“Broadband infrastructure refers to networks of deployed telecommunications equipment and technologies necessary to provide high-speed Internet access and other advanced telecommunications services for private homes, businesses, commercial establishments, schools, and public institutions. In the United States, broadband infrastructure is constructed, operated, and maintained primarily by the private sector, including telephone, cable, satellite, wireless, and other information technology companies. Currently deployed broadband technologies include cable modem, DSL (copper wire), wireless systems (mobile and fixed), fiber, and satellite. Although broadband is deployed by private sector providers, federal and state regulation of the telecommunications industry as well as government financial assistance programs can have a significant impact on private sector decisions to invest in and deploy broadband infrastructure, particularly in underserved and unserved areas of the nation.”

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided $7.2 billion primarily for broadband grant programs! It gave us a “fiber linked backbone” from that sea to shining sea domain.

Back then, little did we realize the possibility of a world-wide pandemic that would close-up shop and send people home as a safeguard. And when the Moron invaded the “peace and tranquility” of this Nation’s wherewithal, why worry about vaccine research as it “will go away” was the fascination. Then it hit! IMAGINE, mind you, if with this COvid menace we were just starting to realize that the backbone infrastructure in networking could not support a pandemic wherein droves of Americans would be forced to work from “home”. Wherein our children would find remote schooling, wherein college would be also “home based” and the reason some of the Hi-Tech “zoom chats” are realizing 3000% influx in stock values. What bottleneck?

It is all because of Barack Obama, and not to forget to give Joe Biden credit for being Barack’s right-hand man at the time “We the People” were in dire straits and a plan of survival was hatched. The reason the economy and the stock markets continue to evade the COvid, it is because in some respect it is business as usual due the fact the “backbone” was in place to handle this new business model. Sad, when we have a Moron that doesn’t have a “backbone” to begin with, evolutionary flaw?

Anyhow, back in 2009 when the ARRA was “sworn to duty” with “transparency”, I had no idea why this funding for that “backbone” was so important and questioned why Uncle Sam was catering to the Hi-Tech communications industry, the latter afraid to go it their own and could then use hard earned Taxpayer $loot$ to force the upgrades for that reliable & viable “network”, now I know why. And today, even with a humongous data sharing load because we have changed our ways and means in communicating, from sea to shining sea we see it working. This would not have been possible without that ARRA funding and someone with a “vision” all things considered!

Dear Barack, one more time, “We the People” need an “Amazing Grace” lecture.

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