Sunday, July 12, 2020

Covid - A TechnoVirus?

The 2nd wave of the Covid-19 is convincing enough, that it should finally be reclassified as the CovidODO-20, due the fact it behaves as a “TechnoVirus”. The data collected since Wuhan demands this renaming. Which means by definition, it is not a “virus” in the truth serum sense of normalcy what the medical science was used to working with. Therefore, on a scale of difficulty…where do we begin I hear the medical establishment yelling gout. And also the reason that faction of miracle workers that have worn facial masks since time immemorial still scratch thy heads trying to figure out what it is in “pandemic mode” this virus and the same reason there are 208-different “vaccine” remedies on the drawing board. But not yet available at the “you pick” stage unless being a guinea pig calling is a “Patriotic” response to this death grip on a once civil society. And pinch yourself, not only is this menace “taxing” the medical minds of all time, it is also a pandemic in disguise our well-being in “capitalism” and when the wind blows, the cradle of Democracy will rock and down will come…So don’t hold your breath in that fixation a fix on the horizon soon, as in the “Big Picture Show” we need relief like “yesterday” which invites the next “opine” that seems to fever some credibility were we are at with this “pandemic”. There is an answer to everything under the Sun! And one last edition before moving on a saving grace “vaccine” is cause for concern. The distribution of any successful shot-in-the-arm, how will it be legitimized preferential treatment wise, as let’s face the facts the White House is already considering stock brokers re-classified as “essential workers” - so it means the vaccine will be a trickle-down delivery from people owning stock to people wishing they owned a piece of Mt. Rushmore, rich to poor. Death by deprivation? But don’t give up hope, as there may be a “miracle cure” already at our disposal we are all in this together - read on!

Poison PILL for Covid or Covid for Dummies 101, take your pick.

When science fails, dazed and confused we are they are with this Covid. But we are all in it together by now I reach out preach out once again, the Covid and that dazed and confused is rampant. No doubt just like the Revenue Service police trying to figure out why Donald Trump has never paid any taxes - in the latter matter it is called the Jack Marler “thrift plan” a whole ‘nother subject. On my meds? I have an excuse like the dog ate my homework this dazed and confused like Leary slipped me a Kaczynski LSD hit. I am NOT a medical scientist and only a victim on the horizon the Covid’s reach in breach - unless we get some help! But why in hell’s kitchen with all due respect past experiences - World Wide accommodating - coupled by superfast computers and enough PHDs to overdose any aliment, why do we still have no idea what this virus in pandemic is all about? Maybe it is NOT a “Virus”! And what happened with “leave no stone unturned”? So here is a little noteworthy science of interest from animal testing of record in efforts to study how induced Carbon Monoxide so camouflaged for simplicity as CO is beneficial for a fistful of ailments - like a “miracle drug”! And that CO may be a temporary cure-all for the COvid, as a ways and means to supplement our immune system in tripping. But to begin with, an explanation as to why this Covid should be reclassified as a “TechnoVirus” as there is enough data generated that calls into question why age seems to be a bargaining chip survival of this menace.

With the 2nd wave so promoted by the younger generation saying the hell with wearing a mask while trying to tongue kiss, the fact that generation is “Tilting” the scale of new cases way past Trump’s “15 or so it will be gone by tomorrow” finds reason in belief this “TechnoVirus” reclassification is desired. A study by authoritative experts captures it head on, that our immune systems reacts to “cell phone radiation” - with respect to the non-thermal effects - in a negative way that may be age dependent and thus may account for the reason that with the new cases in “spike mood” the mortality rate is diving(Human short-term exposure to cell phone radiation causes changes in blood cell morphology[Beverly Rubik] -Conference Paper - January 2015 Bio-electromagnetics Society, Pacific Grove, California). And that study reveals the answer, so please read on to get an understanding as to why the Covid is indeed a “TechnoVirus”, and the same reason we are headed in the wrong direction a “fix” to get us out of this “stay at home” slump. And that is wherein another study, could demonstrate a way forward in simplicity a ways and means to sabotage this Covid spread and get us back to “days gone bye” time to hang-10 again a little help from a friend.

OK, this “non-thermal side effect” of being connected with smart-Alec phones in overload overdose a new-age addiction we must be 24/7 linked to the Trump Twitter rage in laughter is the best medicine, it changes the way in which our immune systems behave - wherein “platelets” get morphed and is then capable of hiding the Covid and the reason in the reclassification the ODO, for the shape shifter. And are immune systems enjoy stability, so it reacts by trying to get back to normalcy, like an accordion, and that is when the captured hidden away Covid - like hiding in an underground “bunker” - can regroup and beckon its worth as a medical problem on a society World Wide, it gangs up on the victim and thus continues to wreck-havoc. The reason it erases away in two-week’s time, as that is the cycle of that “accordion” rhythm. See, the Covid is a “Simple Simon” type “virus” accept when coupled with the “technical” aspects of the cell-phone bombardment - as we live under a constant canopy of radiation and of course it affects the surrounding, including humans in the line of attack it is hard to get away from. Bottom-line, cell phones are here to stay - no way in hell would we as a society move to lesson that fascination, lesson that attack from all around so what else is there to offset this Covid monster we are now stuck with “forevermore”???

Here is my research in Revenant. Could inhalation of calibrated quantities of “Carbon Monoxide” render the Covid “harmless”? Look, CO is generated by our very own immune systems in a “signatory” format like in a bait and switch routine to keep us health honest. Usually in trace amounts rendered harmless, but essential to our well-being. When one looks at the ways and means the human generates and uses CO, which is a hazardous poison and can “Kill” and a very easy way to commit “hari-kari” in suicide, could maybe a booster-shot of this gas be the way out of this pandemic? If all else fails…and it would be very easy to deploy this remedy on a “masses” scale and we have plenty of that CO and it is easily manufactured! No, you don’t have to go “sniffing tail pipes” for a fix. But without going into the specifics of why and how this “Poison Pill” could help us out of this pandemic, I will leave that the “opine” of the “For” and “Against”, but my computer model suggests a fix is readily available. OK, there exists a cross-roads discovered by my modeling, as I always questioned why we were so ill-prepared this “pandemic” which I must point out. When we went “green” and decided it was time to cut down on “Green House” gasses, the amount of CO is today well below levels 10-years ago. And at the same time, the cell-phone canopy has grown in size also, so our immune systems went through a rather difficult change - with decreased CO in the surrounding ambient and at the same time increased cell-phone “non-thermal” effects and it prospered confusion, and provided a convenient dungeon “gimme shelter” for things like the Covid to take hold, in an environment that allowed for it to take over the World. Need I say more, it is basic science but in today’s world, we have become experts in a way that disenfranchises the true meaning of how the Universe was designed - so when things get out-of-control, we seek remedies misleading as we are no longer working together as one. So I am a loner in my quest, but think about it using CO, fighting poison with poison what else do we have too loose but a once vibrant civilization lost in space. Think about it, if calibrated doses of CO could render this Covid ineffective. Walk through tents in strategic locations that administered this “controlled CO” could be an easy way for mass distributions. Cars could be re-designed or easily modified to slip-stream CO generated from the fossil-fuel engine to the driver/passenger compartment, the inside ambient air measured for quality as feedback and thus the exchange precisely controlled, by the addition of CO. And since CO remains in the human system for 12 to 24-hours, IMAGINE, one fix a day and we are on our way back to social normalcy. Thank God! Look, we have CO at our disposal, from cars to planes and most of our homes come equipped with a CO detector - hope you are getting the point that if CO can benefit animals, we already have a fix for this COvid fixation. “Have another hit, of CO air”. The only problem, it doesn’t make money for the pharmaceuticals that are seeing this pandemic through rose-colored green-colored $$$$ glasses! Look, you cannot blame this “pandemic” on our addictions to the technologies in “connectivity” or our thirst for clean air wherein going green may have backfired, but like anything else we sometimes find the cart before the horse with good intent on a collision course with destiny’s child. But no doubt, we live under a “canopy” that is a byproduct of our addictions, that finds our efforts unpredictable consequences as Mother Nature is way ahead of our delusional desires.

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