Thursday, July 16, 2020

COvid Dude - It’s the CO!

The following “factual” dissertation is not intended in conspiracy theory fascination against science, quite the contrary. And the only conspiracy that one should acknowledge as a take-away this “opine” is the fact there may already exist a way forward this COvid menace in pandemic - but hidden away as it means an easy out that doesn’t make $money$. OK, in that respect it is a conspiracy, said again, not against the science but motivated by political “easy street money” momentum - as what’s a few more body bags for the overflowing Rue Morgue Avenue sightseeing.

Dissertation: By use of a PJW modeling algorithm and a super-computer, 1 + 1 = 2 still even with the world in a “pandemic” and “school’s out for summer…school’s out with fever…school’s out completely”! But it will never reach the stage of “school’s out forever”, we shall overcome! But we must reset our priorities. Damn COvid, out goes the Alice-in-Wonderland pursuit of happiness instead comes the doom of the “Goon”. OK, likewise how boiling water still works in sentiment this “Keep it Simple Simon” rules-of-the-road in stupidity, the kindergarten addition addiction works. Amazing how the brain’s gear shift, with that of a young man or woman, engages that algorithm of addition when we first figure that equation out, wow let the Newtonian chemistry begin and then we let “simplicity” go by the wayside. See, if we just followed Newton’s principia and that “Zero Root” - burn the calculus books and to hell with linear algebra.

And therein is wherein with “simplicity” we find solutions, else confusion reigns like has occurred with this COvid-19. Sad, as in reality it is but for a simpleton in comparison a nasty “viral” virus by the WHO definition and standards, but made “deadly” famous by “the times they are a-changin’” accommodating warp speed progress and infiltrating “Tranquility” all walks of life. If it were the 1920s instead, it would not be such a menace monster.

So let us “least squares” elaborate with this addition principle that = 2, for “1” and another “1” I am talking the combined efforts of Beverly Rubik’s publication titled Human short-term exposure to cell phone radiation causes changes in blood cell morphology along with the running title COVID-19 morbidity and mortality caused by endogenous carbon monoxide poisoning, with recommendations for testing and treatment by Toxicology expert Albert Donnay. And the net result of the combination may be mankind’s ticket to ride out this COvid-19 “storm”, until such time there is a “shot-in-the-arm” it hurts “fix” for the masses. But we are in dire straits need an interim timeout “fix”, read on! Mindboggling, that with this “pandemic” on steroids it may be with us for 10-years before a vaccine can accommodate the “masses” and eradicate the COvid’s presence in our bloodstream. Even though vaccine maker giant Moderna has acknowledged its mRNA-1273 “messenger boy” shows promise to combat the COvid, the testing protocol found “zero” placebo candidates this Phase I testing? And maybe the reason the most recent peer review results so far the $billions$ given away to Moderna stipulates: “Previous experience with veterinary coronavirus vaccines and animal models of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV infection have raised safety concerns about the potential for vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease.” And Additional testing in animals and ongoing T-cell analysis of clinical specimens will continue to define the safety profile of mRNA-1273.” To hell with the animal cruelty, as 45-humans are already digesting the Moderna man’s medicine. But the Real McCoy in “Bony Maronie…skinny as a stick of macaroni”, in that peer review it is also acknowledged that “Moderna provided mRNA-1273 for use in this trial but did not provide any financial support.” Stingy bastards, it raises my eyebrow in suspicion and suspense to suspend the value of this “Testing” at the U.S. Taxpayers’ expense - it is a vaccine in a hurry for the $money$ honey!
And now a bunch of scientists have penned a letter to the National Institute(s) of Health for permission to bypass the animal testing - because of cruelty to animal “rights” laws - and actually subject human guinea pigs to the virus in what is called “Challenge Trials”, aka “Atlantis the Last Continent”. See, this bowel movement was fostered by 35-members of the GOP House calling for such action, followed by scientists believing in human torture and finding 2000 willing to sacrifice life, liberty and that pursuit to happiness in “staying at home” under the influence of COvid. OK, this request from members of Congress started out with those “Let’s Get COvid” parties down south, what a concept so now politics is trying to take credit for this medicine.

But back to the math problem, is anybody having trouble with that addition problem? Anyway, the first dissertation to satisfy this equation deals with the side-arm effect of the “non-thermal” energy bombardment targeting our immune systems, due cell phones that have become the source a canopy under which humans exist - a world-wide phenomenon you cannot get away from. Mind you, at last count there was 0.81 active cell-phones per human monopolizing that “canopy”, talk about anti-trust anti-Christ! But in simplicity, that canopy surrounding us bombards us with an element of surprise that frustrates our immune system, it taxes that system in its efforts to combat things like the COvid. That study by Rubik(link below) is very straight-forward what is happening to you and I and everybody else under the sun by being connected, so Ma Bell’s “can you hear me now” resonates deep even the grave of the deceased. So numero Uno is a bonafide “1” and we are half-way around the globe, or 3-feet under! And the research by Donnay the “Toxicologist”(link also below), well it indicates that humans may be subject to this COvid due the fact are immune systems are not getting enough “carbon monoxide”. To the extreme extent that some scientists in Wuyan early on the race to disgrace this COvid, well suggested supplemental “Carbon Monoxide” for patients! But since they could not pinpoint with confidence why or if indeed the mechanism to produce that internal “poison” was on “Tilt”, this interest never gained traction. That is wherein the non-thermal side effects of living under a cell-phone “energetic” canopy finds this dissertation based on theory, as we need more Carbon Monoxide and if our immune systems are at fault due that “canopy effect”, we should consider external supplementing through precise dosing.

OK, yes the stuff that is considered a poison, when we allow our blood to become saturated with this stuff from external sources like a tailpipe. See, beneficial CO is generated internally in a very small yet finite amount as an element to a healthy immune system, to combat infections. But when Ma Bell comes a call’n, well that “times they are a-changin’” and something has to give in, and it crashes the immune system and that CO generation is limited. Then the COvid takes advantage of that weakness.  And how yes, some Wuyan scientists early on this pandemic questioned that maybe additional CO could lend support to arrest this respiratory menace, as those that smoked cigarettes and were known to have elevated CO, well they were not getting proportionally sick from this COvid infiltration.

But the link was missing, the studies readily available in “peer review” yet the reasoning did not find fascination as too why CO was something of interest to investigate, just need that Simple Simon addition and I am convinced that the way out of this COvid mess is to start boosting our CO, another “Challenge Trial”. That is what I am proposing today. We are under attack by this cell phone canopy, which is here to stay as we cannot divest ourselves away from this connectivity addiction and our blood factory finds challenges in survival. It is a Simple Simon solution, as why in hell does CO have a spontaneous affinity to hemoglobin 250x more attractive then life giving Oxygen? Yes, call it fighting fire with fire…but what else do we have at our disposal to make us human(e) again?

Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood with his memories in a trunk
Passed this way an hour ago with his friend, a jealous monk
Now he looked so immaculately frightful as he bummed a cigarette
And he went off sniffing TAILPIPES and reciting the alphabet
You would not think to look at him, but he was famous long ago
For preaching Carbon Monoxide on Desperation Row
(Bob Dylan's "Desolation Row" mutation)

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