Sunday, June 21, 2020

Trump Tulsa 6200 Morons

Here we go again, that "FAKE" news claiming the head-count of Morons at the Make America Great Again rally in Tulsa saw only 6200 in attendance to chair on Doanld Trump and Mike pence for the 2020 election - on Juneteen day. Yes, Trump did invent Juneteen Day in competetion the Juneteenth Day, wherein Trump's proclamation of June 20th an official White House date-rape day when it is OK to find teens in the heat of summer...From the Bank of the Ku-Klux-Klan(BOK) Center's noise level when the Fucking Moron took the stage to shit on "My Country 'Tis of Thee", the true count of those in attendance this much anticipated Tik-Tok Show was more like 49600, but that includes the "bed-bugs" that came along with the Jim Jordan "jock strap" supporters. Which means there was an overflow of 30600 in it's clear, the buz noise above the BLM chants!

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