Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Sheep Fucking News

Here we go again, CNN with more “FAKE NEWS” on the Trump Tower. Sad, as with the Distemper Queen’s “Eye Disease” and the Distemper King’s “Last Word” at the expense of the other cable guy’s wire, you know that Rossie O’Donnell and Rachal Maddcow, since “Home Alone” went into effect that once “worthy” news hour is all commercials. For real, more airtime for “safe drivers save 40%” the headline news and it sure appears that the Motaurs have taken over! Blink an eye, you’ll miss the news action. And forget the FOX, as when I went to sign up for a free trial, I could not pass the Judge Jeanine “Imbecile in Training” test. Who cares, as “What Good News” the already filthy rich are getting filthier and I still can’t buy more then 1-package of toilet paper my weekly outing grocery shopping - single-ply only! What happened to “My Country ‘Tis of Thee sweet land of TP”? OK, it was “Fake News” I wanted to distemper the moment. See, Donald Trump Jr. did not go to Mongolia to hunt sheep as that would have gone against the grain of Make America Great Again and daddy’s fascination of “Made in America - Stay in America”. See, if hunting sheep was the pleasure, just go to Alaska! Junior went to Mongolia because “Bestiality” is not a crime in that country, so it was a “sheep fucking” expedition, get over it as that “filthy” in rich finds a reason besides “Treason”.

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