Sunday, June 7, 2020

Henry’s Blight Brigade

Wake up AMERICA, move over Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as Dr. Murray and Mr. Trump have the stage. Do you have any idea with whom you are dealing with in this Donald John Trump? Even after 1230 days plus some, Thank God some “restraint” from outside interference, there is still an argument the character and “mindset” of the individual in the Oval Office. A “mindset” we are promoting and the end result could be devastating to life, liberty and any future pursuit to happiness. It is happening even today a Sunday, without some semblance of similarly situated “restraint” upon another domain in interest promoting this Trump monster, it appears “We all Tweet in a Twitter Quarantine” has taken over civility. The “HATE” that this “social unrest media” allows at our fingertips, our Founding Fathers would have abandoned any attempt at “nationhood” and told the Queen to have at it. Remember, “Divided We Fail, Divided We Fall” and this fantasy to be heard but not seen by millions with a Simple Simon “Send”, it is a “Divide by Zero Error” of judgement. It takes away that “think before you speak”, a cowardly way to engage in entertainment at another’s expense. The way people react to this “stuck inside these four-walls” to think it counts, it is no different then being stuck inside upside down Trump’s White House “bunker”, maybe better yet “Tales from the CRYPT”. See, the fascination with Twitter Dumb and Twitter Dumber, it is an easy addiction as it takes only a few brain cells engaging a multitasking wherewithal, but when the times wasted totaled…I'd rather be bird watching like George Floyd. What you mean I’m under duress? But an understanding of Donald John Trump, very easy as the guesswork is of record concluded in collusion, he is the brain-child of renowned Harvard "Psychology Lunatic" Dr. Henry Murray. Yes, one of the neo-Freudian slip “Ego” theorists that promoted Ted Kaczynski to the UnaBomber status. There is no difference between the “mindset” of Ted Kaczynski and Donald John Trump. OK, it is a “Mobius Strip” difference, and that means being almost in the same space but out of phase time-wise - an indeterminate or an infinitesimal difference. It means we don’t know what will come next as there is no reason for a consideration of the future all actions are based solely on “instinct”. The guy in the Oval Office, he works on that “intuitive instinct” alone, as it is a survival driving mechanism that has done him justice throughout life. When something works, wrong or right, we are creatures of habit so we become addicted to that action or inaction that works. With the Henry Murray “Instinct” characterization, there exists no time for thinking about the past in the present for the future - it is a right now exchange with no element of the past can’t guarantee any future. It is but for a “here and now” realization only. And that is the danger we face with this individual in the…he has the “Nuclear Launch Codes” in his back pocket. Lucky for us there is a sigh of relief, as it appears his Commander-in-Chief power is being questioned by the “Military Brass”. So we are somewhat safe, as even with the codes at his “instinct” disposal, unless a genuine threat; “Sorry Mr. Trump, there seems to be a mission control problem!”. But this drive by instinct alone, it is how nature acts as it is all about survival for the “instance”. Fine, you survived the day before and hope for a day to follow - but that is not how the “instinct” component thinks out a strategy for that survival - it is somewhat merely by chance of luck any future so best wager all your resources on the “moment” for the next movement only. It is an “infinitesimal” moment, not really a future! OK, a piecewise future. But with the human species upon this “instinct” driver “Home Alone” as an individual’s main character - it is character assassination. The reason there is no compassion with Donald Trump - as with “instinct” survival you never let down your guard as you cannot trust anyone. In “instinct survival”, if you give a little they will take a lot - your dead! And it is what Harvard’s Henry Murray experimented with, to die-hard the “needs” only, for the moment through “instinct” alone and that is why Ted Kaczynski became famous. He was pushed to the “brink” in efforts to test out this “instinct” behavior. Nature abides by this “instinct”, the reason there exists a vast difference between nature and humans in the realm of survival. See, the more focused the mind sets its survival skills based on that “needs”, the more unfocused an individual becomes, as it is “ego” driven “I can survive”. And with Trump, since he has been handed all other necessary things in life to survive and that trend continues unabated today, it is all an “ego instinct” eccentricism - yes unconventional wherein the backward-and-forward motion finds the ultimate definition of the “Mobius”. Like a “revenant” revival. Look, Ted retreated to a cabin in the wilderness, not to bird watch but to create havoc upon society based on his thought process his only survival. And today with Trump’s retreat into the White House “bunker” now surrounded more then ever with “fencing”, there is no real difference between the mindset of the UnaBomber and the 45th. So what to expect? Destruction is his only tool left for that survival in realization that his “instinct” spectrum is dwindling due constant abuse from the outside - his ego suffers. He is under attack and from behind the bars of that “needs” for his “ego” to survive, wherein instinct doesn’t think, every second forward could be a call for destruction if it defends that “ego”! Who wins? Henry Murray, as even though his Kaczynski model ended up behind bars, Henry revised his formula and now that experiment sits in the most powerful position on earth. The outcome? When the past nor the future doesn’t really matter over the “moment” and that “instinct” demands protection of that “ego”…we will have no fair-warning when the “vow breaks”.

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