Friday, June 26, 2020

Douglass Commonwealth, DOA?

Dear Washington DC;

Wow, so the “House of Nancy” has taken up the issue of allowing DC to move from “Territory” status to that of a bonafide State of the Union with its very own “My Country ‘Tis of Thee in Liberty” flag! Yet that wishful thinking reality is DOA the Confederacy Senate, now what? So for real, the DC motto on those license plates of hot-rods doing donut-spin brodies in front of the “White House” reads “Taxation Without Representation”? And I just heard the Honorable Muriel Bowser - Mayor of DC - talk of how the residents “without representation” pay taxes on earned income on a per-capita basis higher then Mitch McConnell’s Kentucky poo-dog state, but without the bellhops and whistle stops? Talking Uncle $Bucks$ fascination of taking away your loot verses the regurgitation formula wherein “bang for the buck” is lukewarm for those in DC. Sad, when we have a system of “theft” that cannot return to its rightful owners at least what was taken away from that blood-sweat-tears labor income. But let’s face the facts, not a single damn member of Congress understands what “hard earned” means as once in office, that earning statement morphs to “hard on” and we get worn out picking sides as our politicians pick their noses. They find it so easy to give it away for their own well-being for re-instating their desire to get re-elected - for a job wherein getting the hands dirty - only from the dirty money hoodwinking. Even sadder, when “precedence set” provides a remedy for “No Representation” and since “precedence set” finds meaning in the Highest Courts of the land - why have not the residents of Washington DC not used what is at their disposal and instead have become “have nots”, right there in front of them this age-tested weapon to combat this “theft” by Uncle Sam’s “Internal Racketeer Service”! What I am talking about is the 1956 “unanimous verdict victory” for a guy named Jack Marler. See, Jack was the head “Racketeer” cop in Alaska, when that state was still in the “Territory” status and his job was to arrest individuals delinquent in filing taxes on income. So when Jack went on the “warpath” in realization that the Congress was dragging its feet in allowing Alaska to become the 49er - with its own flag also - well Jack tested the system of merits in taxation when “without representation” and was taken to court for failing to file his returns - and this arrest after being fired from the IRS. But when a feisty Theodore Fulton Stevens - acting for the Federal Government and tasked to take old Jack down for the count as this was bad business for Uncle Sam its obligation to a “territory” - a jury found in favor of Jack’s defense of “No Taxation without Representation” and then Ted decided it best get an easy job so ran for the U.S. Senate. So Jack Marler was a free-man for failing to abide by the obligations of timely filing and paying his taxes on income - because the verdict rested its case on that “No Representation” forfeiting any such IRS authority. This “No Taxation without Representation” was a victory, a unanimous jury-of-peers decision “For the People, By the People” by “True Alaskan” tired of being duped by Uncle Sam. And that torched forward the so far slowness of the “Statehood Act” for Alaska and it was soon-after “We’re In” for the 49er was head-line news sea to shining sea. Many say it was Jack’s victory that forced the Congress to act, else a mutiny on the bounty in taxation was about to take over Alaska. So if Mitch McConnell and his cohorts in Confederacy balk on following the lead of the House in incorporating DC as the “Douglass Commonwealth 51st State of the Union”, I recommend the citizen Kane workers take the Jack Marler stance and should just start chanting “No Taxation without Representation Matters” and tell their employers to STOP garnishing that paycheck for money in “Taxation”. And when it comes time to file that yearly 1030-Form, just do a write in of “IOU NOT, No Taxation without Representation”. Now when that arrest warrant arrives with a high-crimes and misdemeanor fine, just claim the Jack Marler verdict as no idiot with an IRS badge will argue against the Jack Marler case, as he was at one time one of them! If the residents of Washington DC stick together on this, what else could Mitch do except honor the wishes of “Statehood”. This is wherein the citizens can ban together to get what it deserves! JACK MARLER TIME!

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