Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Dear First Lady Melania Trump

Dear First Lady of the United States Melania Trump;

As you had requested in your message just yesterday, wherein you asked everyone to protest in peace, and yes focusing in on taking care of one another in healing “our” great nation - “We the People in Peaceful Protest” were attacked by Donald John Trump! Please call 911 and have Donald John Trump arrested for “spousal abuse”, it is the only way your message to heal will be heard and this nation back on track its Democracy, when Donald John Trump is removed from the Oval office - and you hold the keys to his jail cell. Do your Constitutional Duty, that which you swore upon when ordained a U.S. Citizen. Yes, 911 is only 3-steps away, and “We the People Patriots” will stand behind you in witness this “spousal abuse” you have put up with.

Respectfully Submitted by;

American Patriot Sam & Sally Adams 1 through 1000

~ I'm Barron Trump
I approve this message ~

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