Friday, June 5, 2020

Covid-19 Litmus Test

Now that Americans from sea to shining sea are back out in the streets in mass, in close proximity with brotherly love in protest, this may be the “Litmus Test” we have been waiting for the status of the Covid-19, aka the CovidODO-20. There has come to light, through advanced scientific continuity in knowledge, that which points to the Covid-19 as an event that was resurrected in force by outside help, aiding and abetting by outside interference, upon our “immune system” under attack by that outside influence that remedied our defense mechanism weak almost to the point of defenselessness - and thus the onset of a pandemic from a very “Simple Simon” virus. Had it not been for this “outside accomplice”, this Covid would have merely been an inconvenient “Non-Event” with a short-lived existence - no need for a place holder in the history books. And that outside interference, herein addressed with confidence the effect of such, it stems from being bombarded around-the-clock by cell phone radiation - because of our habitual fascination of being objectively “connected” without a recess. “Can You Hear Me Now”, it is heard around the world even in the “Rain Forests” there is no retreat, no escape. Now not talking the actual “radiation” itself, the energy required to transmit “Twitter Tweets” near to far flung dung, as that micro-RF has been time tested in time and over-time again and has shown not to excite any surmountable adverse reaction it effect, upon a human’s health with respect to the usual fallout from radiation, like the “tumor tremors of cancers”. That “cell phone” you sleep with, the RF from a GPS to 911 SOS, it does not condone the pattern of abuse to sustain any health fallouts, at least that is what we have come to understand. But of interest now more than ever, is but for another side effect phenomenon that has not been tested enough to deliver an “opine” in the “good nor bad” category - that being the “non-thermal” effects of this connectivity ritual. Yes, Ma Bell’s broadcasts have more then one element of surprise. And it was from “bad habits” that got us into this “mess”, as we are “creatures of  the habit” with this Ma Bell fascination don’t want to be left out of what is happening, a habit that which transcended this economy to “ruins” in a  gripping Apocalypse Now move over Armageddon. Yet, we seem to be getting by, a little breathing room maybe. Now when Mr. Covid made land-fall, it was the “change of habits” an overnight sensation success in “home alone” that brought us out of a mess, as that mere social change caused the “pattern of abuse” to be altered, and that allowed some semblance of protection as the virus could no longer stranglehold the vulnerabilities upon our “immune systems” due - Ma Bell! See, it is well known that nature takes the path of least resistance, and that allows another phenomenon to take us down a path of destruction - when a vibration no longer finds a pattern to counter-annoy and self-propagates towards “Destruction”. And that is what happened with Ma Bell, as the canopy we live under from being surrounded 24/7 by this “connectivity” found a happy high in pattern that was destructive to our “immune systems” - in the way in which the “blood platelets” respond to those “outside influences” when resonated. Yes, that “canopy pattern” existed as a destructive mechanism upon the activity necessary to ward off even a Simple Simon “virus” - it was all things considered the ultimate crusade to challenge how our “immune” systems react. But just the fact we “changed our habits”, it was enough to break the “destructive pattern” that which had been formalized under that “canopy”, from that “non-thermal” side effect. And today, with the protests, the very fact that this is above and beyond any “social distancing”, in another week we may see how changing our habits again changes that cell phone bombardment fever which allows for a compromise upon our “blood platelets”, and changes the scene wherein the non-thermal radiation causes the “platelets” to change shape, and provides a safe haven for this Covid - to hide out and eventually it comes alive. It works like this. If the “George Floyd” protests show very little sign of agitation, it means the cell phone density is aiding our “immune systems” and causing the Covid to abandon its mission. Said again, it was a “Simple Simon” virus to begin with and something our evolutionized immune systems should have been able to circumcise with ease, it remained an obstacle and we surrendered our health to a pandemic. So this is the “Litmus Test”, as the “protests” is another abrupt change wherein “social distancing” is a diminished dimension rebuttal. And the fact that the “scare” with the pool parties in the Ozarks…Look, the only “common-denominator” so far this pandemic, its in your right hand and you are talking on it! And the funny thing about it, it doesn’t necessarily mean we must “Airplane Mode” our must have all the time devices, just learn to live in a pattern recognition technical realm, and when we see the cases of things like a Covid start to gain traction, we change our behaviors and fool that “pattern”. And so true, things will never be the same, as to live under a “canopy” of un-natural energy that has no apparent use accept to excite the “Twitter Rage”, and our rush to judgement finds a side-effect that is now attacking our well-being. This may be the “Ultimate Litmus Test” wherein “Science” will finally take the reins upon an explanation of what this Covid is all about. Can You Hear Me Know?

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