Monday, June 1, 2020

Brett Kavanaugh’s Diaper Change

Wow, the boss of the United States Supreme Court of Jester Justice just told Baby Brett Kavanaugh to change his diaper! OK, it also means a pit stop for Clarence “Clown Town” Thomas and Norm “Itchygoof Park” Gorsuch for a panty liner change. Missing the “pee party” was Son of Sam Ayatollatarian, who was out protesting - something about a premeditated plan to kill black kids on mopeds. For real, the “Boss” John Roberts sided with the “Give Peace a Chance” isle, instead of caving into the Fucking Moron’s Dysentery Distemper Dynasty. See, just shy a week gone bye, the Moron signed some declaration that said all “Kim Jong bUNghole thongs are not created equal” and that caused the State of California to file a lawsuit. OK, for California it was in defiance a “Presidential Pretender” edict that allowed “Pontius Pilate” to go back to work, raping of choir boys some more as the congregation says “they love it” - pandemic or not this presidential directive part of the Moron’s “Open for Business”! And what was even more Amazing Grace this about face from the Laughing Hyena court, Barnacle Bill Barr was not seen running to the scene to “whip out his cock to break the lock” as it appears everyone on Trump’s “Team” has pissed in their draws. But what else have “We the People” gained from the 1225-days in pampers the trials & tribulations of allowing NOT just a “Moron” but a bonafide “Fucking Moron” to take over the decency of the Oval Office without any dignity? Well Donald John Trump in the disguise of that “Fucking Moron” is merely a “Big Talk No Action” shit talking guy. Look, in a recent poll voters sided with Hannibal Lecter having more compassion then the Fucking Moron and Melanomia Kluas Fuchs combined. The Fucking Moron makes these “vicious barnyard dog” threats, but when you are afraid of your own skinny dick shadow - look “The Shadow Knows” how many of the Trump staff takes “collagenase clostridium histolyticum” - for the cockeyed cock syndrome, when at erection “Hail to the Chief” falls down on the job. And Kellyanne takes that stuff? For real, monkeys in India are stealing Covid “blood samples” so the case count remains low? Well trained chimps, maybe that’s what the All WHITE Man HOUSE needs, as for sure the Fucking Moron’s “presidency” is under eviction - as vagrancy isn’t allowed under the U.S. Constitution. So I am glad that the Chief Dick of the High Court finalized the John Lennon verdict, that “God is a concept by which we measure our pain” and the Fucking Moron’s “dream is over”!

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