Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Trump KILLING Fields

So whatever happened to “haste makes wuhan waste” as the “Murder in Moderna” is already heading into a headspin-tailspin self-destruct Phase II sequel of…”Who'll be the next in line? Who'll be the next in line for heartache? Who'll make the same mistakes I made over you?” Just last week plus a week or so a short time spell the duration of this CovidODO-19 Armageddon Apocalypse Now upon mankind “worldwide” in perspective, Modern Moderna was given a preferential “modernization” treatment “gift of gab”! Yes, poor old gullible Uncle Sam sang a soothing song and golden slumber dance. Close to half a $billion$ bucks handed over from the U.S. Treasury - our sweat and tears equity - to Moderna to “all by itself” develop this (m)RNA to frighten away this menace of a virus. With the (m), it means a “messaging” vaccine that seems to be advertising for Birxliar Haywire Investors, who owns Scarves”R”us and used as the backdrop for the Presidential Covid Task Farce now MIA daily briefings. With that, the stock-shares for multi-colored-minion scarves diving, so Uncle Sam came to the recuse. Moderna as a company started in 2010(MRNA $19) thinking it could convince a “messenger boy”, like in an SOS blood slug leech, to thwart off a virus gone viral. Never “once” did this technology in bounty hunting get this company any FDA permission for its novel “crap in the arm”, it is now the front liner for…making a “KILLING”! No the sky isn’t falling, this outfit’s stock is going through the roof from Uncle Sam’s infusion, up $33 buckaroos! The reason Warren Buffet dumped all his airline stock - as the sky’s the limit, well not when pilots & planes are in Airplane Mode so may as well take advantage of unproven stuff if someone else foots the bill. But right after it received this free-fall from Uncle Sam’s Treasury under the close supervision of a Moochin Munchkin Manure Mnuchin, well “no-one’s looking” it seems so why not invest that $loot$ into other entities that could manufacturer something still not invented. Why? Well there will come a vaccine, either some lunatic messenger or the old time-proven sleuth slayer…regardless it will have to be manufactured so it can be distributed and that is wherein the “pot-of-gold” holds promise. Like this: A $1-dollar fix is worth $10-bucks in the “fixture”. Now in this short snort time, just a measly 2-weeks wherein a nation suffers under a Sad Sack-of-Suds leader with 70000 victims weakened to death and counting, well Moderna is wasting no time being the “King Dong” on the block, as that is wherein the $money honey$ will find $billions$, the manufacturing and distributing of something. And don’t laugh, as the Moron’s FDA has already approved that “something” even if it means injecting gummy bears for a “FAKE” Covid relief - at least the kids will like it! So once Phase III of Moderna’s “something” is successful or not - which will use volunteer guinea pig science under the guidance of Phineas J. Whoopee - investors or family members of investors not allowed to participate in the trials - it will be cha-chinging for those that see this “pandemic” for what it’s worth - how to make a Big Bang Buck. It has come down to that, as investors sat around having nothing to do before this “Wreck” accept ripping off the “merits” of working class investments now even more dug in to make humongous profit margins. Yes, someone’s pain is another’s gain. But herein is the real crux of the Fucking Moron’s “KILLING Fields”. Just today, the Moron and that Pence Imbecile Administration said NO to the Center for Disease Control’s “measures” for getting through this “pandemic” and that was followed by the Bleach Bitch from the Awful Office thinking out loud - it sounded like a flushing toilet stool stuck - that testing of all Americans is nonsensical? I am sure “whimsical” finds reason in this discussion. But there is a method to the Moron’s madness. He wants “all able bodied Americans to come to the aid of his legacy” and just pick up the pieces and go back to “normal” life, liberty and pursuit in craziness and that means, well look around you the nearest five-people known or unknown and one lost soul will become a statistic if we bend over for this type of hurry up recovery. See, what else do we to do? Now if the Fucking Moron held some sense of “compassion” or if Melania understood some semblance of “compassion” that she could maybe pass on to her Moron at dinner-time through example, as the Covid infected butler passes out tacos for Cinco De Mayo - yes maybe placing her pathetic “I Don’t Care Do U” aside for a wizbit - forget about that thought. The reason we should be able to recall vagrancy and truancy in citizenship and send the bastards back home! But hold that thought on “compassion”. If only Donald Trump held an attitude like Morgan Freeman! Like we heard from the soft spoken President Trumbull in “Angel Has Fallen”, in a “State of the Union” in compassion and commitment and in honesty that the bottom-line fact we have a dilemma and “It is our moments of struggle, that define us.” Look we have no vaccine and we are many months away from a working solution. And with some semblance of a compassion, inviting a Do or Do Nothing mentality? Guess what, as this is America, the “Home of the Brave”! OK, think if this same “menace” occurred under Obama’s watch and in desperation he went on the stage and with compassion said we have a choice. And maybe not a desirable choice, businesses would be open-for-business-as-usual ASAP tomorrow as there comes a time and place wherein our Patriotic wherewithal, like during a war, makes us who we are. But when there is a draft dodger, an imbecile idiot in the White House, a pathetic non-compassionate “Idiot” that thinks his bullshit don’t stench with followers that would never…but herein the rest of the Moderna storyline. It is our hard-earned taxable income that is funding this “maybe long shot gamble” that a “messenger brat” vaccine will be available soon. Let’s hope for the best in breaks. But it will be how long for manufacturing and distribution to make a dent in this pandemic? Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell that the “vaccine industry” has seen a 60% decrease in readiness under this Fucking Moron who thinks he is the Albert Einstein of the investment world when he is in “reality” just a Ted Kaczynski in disguise. See, that “industry” before the Covid realized a negative ROI, so just cancel the hell out of it. To bad “We the People” cannot under this Moron a “Hail to the Chief” and step forward to defend our Democracy. I guess, maybe we could recall the 44th, as I see no other way forward and I would compromise my life for Obama but never think the same for a Fucking Draft Dodging “Skumbag” piece of Putin dung. And let us not forget his “Skumhag” or “Skumgag” stand by your ham virus. I hope that Moron’s “Driving Miss Dickhead” chauffeur has infected the entire White House staff and then maybe that once place of honor can be vacated, as it has been trashed, and just move the entire entourage to Mara-Lago. Hey Melania, kids are starving and if we had a First Lady that wasn’t neutered and gave a rat’s ass…hope you had an enjoyable day playing hooky away from the duty you swore to oblige when that Imbecile sponsored your “citizenship”, as tennis must be more impotent. You People SUCK! And when and if a cure is available that promotes a fix and is safe and sure, I for one am in no hurry to get inoculated as I will honor my Patriotism and let all women and children go first, something the wealthy SOB could never stand for, as America…what Founding Father’s America under a Fucking Moron Lunatic. Yet rest assured, “We the People Patriots” shall overcome again, like we did in the Civil War and this time around the Confederates will not be granted leniency but a one way ticket to the “gallows” and I can hear it now…”they’re selling postcards of the hanging”.

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