Friday, May 8, 2020

Ratatatat RATS!

There are considerable public concerns about the relationship between mobile phone radiation and human health. The present study assesses the effect of electromagnetic field(EMF) emitted from a mobile phone on the immune system in rats and the possible protective role of vitamin D.

Rats were randomly divided into six groups:

Group I: control group;
Group II: received vitamin D;
Group III: exposed to EMF 1 h/day;
Group IV: exposed to EMF 2 h/day;
Group V: exposed to EMF 1 h/day and received vitamin D;
Group VI: exposed to EMF 2 h/day and received vitamin D.

After 30 days of exposure time, 1 h/day EMF exposure resulted in significant decrease in immunoglobulin levels (IgA, IgE, IgM, and IgG); total leukocyte, lymphocyte, eosinophil and basophil counts; and a significant increase in neutrophil and monocyte counts. These changes were more increased in the group exposed to 2 h/day EMF. Vitamin D supplementation in EMF-exposed rats reversed these results when compared with EMF-exposed groups. In contrast, 7, 14, and 21 days of EMF exposure produced nonsignificant differences in these parameters among all experimental groups. We concluded that exposure to mobile phone radiation compromises the immune system of rats, and vitamin D appears to have a protective effect.

From: Effect of electromagnetic waves from mobile phone on immune status of male rats: possible protective role of vitamin D. El-Gohary OA Said MA Department of Medical Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Benha, Qalubia, Egypt.

What it means? Turn off your Fucking cell phone this addiction to be 24/7 “connected” to “meaningless”, for relief from this CovidODO-20! Give yourself a break, Airplane Mode that Smart-Alec gizmo for a good night’s sleep-eze and then maybe our immune systems can get back to combating a very “Simple Simon” Monkey-Man virus. It is called the Common Denominator! Our addiction to this must have “connectivity” has thus compromised our immune system and along comes Mr. CovidODO-19, and here we are. But low and behold, instead of addressing this as the problem that could easily get us out of this mess, without a “vaccine”, we allow Ma Bell to complicate things through even more abuse by this “menace” that supports the other menace in “pandemic”. The reason you best hold your breath for any shot-in-the-arm “FIX”! And one day…it may be too damn late for a recovery!

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