Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Jack Marler Revolution

The shearwater fact that the Fucking Moron Trump is politicizing this CovidODO-19 “pandemic” and low-ball dipping his sworn duty as a President “For All the People”, this preferential divvying up what’s left in the U.S Treasury…I mean, I mean it, it’s TREASON. And with cohorts in crime this cahoots in nursery rhymes, a serenading by ass-kissing governors…brother can you spare a dime it is Jack Marler TIME! I will get to Jack’s “beanstalk” later on this broadcast why that TIME is here ye, hear ye this town crier calls for all “able bodied Patriots to come to the aid of its countrymen”. Look, why in hell would a state like Alaska - that which supports the trickle-down “tinkle” with a governor ass-licking Congressman Don Young who is ass-kissing the Fucking Moron’s Mitch Bitch - why does this state get to commit high crimes robbery when “We the People” elsewhere adjusting to a “dire strait jacket”? To date, there has been only a few cases of the “Covid Crud” in the $cash rich$ 49er wherein this mess all began, this pandemic’s “footprint” through China Air Cargo an exchange limited to the Ted Stevens Airport in Anchorage so it was attached to other pilots heading to Chicago, Seattle and New York City the reason it went out-of-control so quickly and at first dawn quietly. My sentiment, sell the ice-berg back to Putin this Seward’s Folies turned Whale Fat Folies now a Foreskin Folies in Phony Phooey. Look, states of the lower-48 are desperate, with record calls for unemployment insurance, and Alaska is already on the “bail out”? Why so only because it supported Trump’s 2016 hijack of the “Oval Office” and one of the few states that could “Open for Business” without much fanfare or fuss with this Armageddon Apocalypse Now descending upon us from the heavens.  Look, pre-law students are suing their Alvin-matters for reneging on its educational contracts, as part of Elizabeth Warren’s “Loan Forgiveness Programs”, by claiming it was a “contract” beach boy will they be surprised when the judge dismisses the suits due the fact it was an “Act of God”. Look, this Mitch McConnell “Call of the Confederacy” to limit “legal liability” for small business, it already exists - so help me God just blame the man who was tied to the whipping post on Mount Calvary! Ok, back to the Alaskan “Tourism” scandal. See, when the “My Country ‘Tis of Thee Union” was kindhearted enough to allow Alaska to be part of that Founding Fathers’ domain, there came conditions no different then when we gave the Confederate Turncoat’s “leniency” away from the gallows, for that un-Patriotic truancy. Yet Alaska has continued to rob the U.S Treasury “blind”, in violation the tradition of Patriotism and in violation the “conditions” for “statehood” redemption. For instance, when Alaska signed on the dotted line that it wanted to be a bonafide “State” and by honoring that commitment striving to go it alone, well Uncle Sam tuned over the keys to the railroad. That infrastructure courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers, built in efforts to haul stuff from dockside to the interior to build a strong military defense against Russia, while Alaska remained in “territorial” status. Which meant a “status quo” Alaskans paying income taxes yet not getting everything in return like a “for real” State, like how the Mafia “strongarm” works. Pay up for protection! Remember, Sarah Palin could see from “Russia with Love” from her bedroom “crapper”. Now the “Railroad” has never been able to turn a profit, because its main focus is in “Tourism” and that is seasonal - so when the weather turns cold and ugly and the bird migration heads south, so does all the wealth confiscated by the Tourism Corporations and Casey Jones goes “broke” by the first snowfall, again and again and again. Not to worry, as Uncle Sam is there with a shot-in-the-arm and for the last 50-years, handing over $45-million with no strings attached, that goes down on the railman’s blues financial statement as “income” - which means it goes down the drain as it can be spent anyway and anywhere NO accountability. Matter-of-fact, so engrained this pot-of-gold, the state doesn’t have to even ask for it, it’s on automatic heist. The best year this hoodwinking of an eye that can’t see straight, when the “rail” went off the tracks and a derailment spilled “gasoline” into a salmon spawning river and low and behold, feed-me some more, feed-me a feeding frenzy brought in FEMA relief and it was the 1st time of record that an actual above water profit was recorded. See, that $45-million is confiscated in the financials - for a “zero” balance in creative accounting, as to show a profit could signal a red-herring flag. Now when FEMA regurgitated yet more hard-earned America worker $loot$ garnished for bribery sake, it resembled a genuine hero’s welcome “profit”! So panic set in with the railroad’s bean counters - have to hide this “$loot$ under someone’s pillow! And because of the “Wreck”, the Moron that was asleep at the wheel retired, because his golden parachute was tied to the profit margin - how convenient? IMAGINE, getting a bonus for doing a shitty job just so the financials can be consumed forecasting a zero balance sheet!  It’s just more show & don’t tell TREASON!

Anyway, now Alaska is receiving the minimum allocated to the states with this Covid Who Cares Act, some $1.25-BILLION bucks. When all the time the main income source for Alaska - that “Black Gold” has not suffered but it is looking dismal swamp for the upcoming “Tourist” trade, who cares as Alaska doesn’t gain from that pathetic nicety and I for one tired of the Princess in Uncle Sam’s back pocket. If the “Tourism” cannot make it without help, time to close up shop. But like an addiction with an intravenous…Look, you don’t hear the Fucking Moron ask the Prudhoe Bay “Big Oil” producers to cut back on production, during a glut causing the oil futures to go down to $10-bucks! Why it’s so easy like taking candy ~ I mean money from a baby ~ I mean Treasury, well Alaska has the cheapest “lifting costs” for its “Black Gold” spigot. Somewhere in the vicinity of $2-bucks and as an owner of the “resources” by virtue of a state’s sovereignty, the state of Alaska is still making $loot$ in the tune of the $1.5-million per day the reason it maintains a Constitutional Budget Reserve of over $50-billion bucks - that “rainy day” fund. I mean people complained about Montana receiving the same amount of $loot$ as Alaska, the “minimum” directed by Mitch’s Confederate posse, but what ever happened to our Patriotic duty to find some semblance of ethical reasoning - give the damn money back to Mnuchin so it can be used wherein it is well respected! So what does it mean? Well Alaska is very generous to its citizens because Uncle Sam is so damn generous. Now Alaskans receive a dividend from oil bucks and for 2020 it will probably be a cha-chinging close to $1600 bucks each man, woman and child. And with the CovidODO-19 “stimulus”, another $1200 per individual along with an additional ransom of $500 for each pet. Wait there’s more…as the Cares adds an additional $1700 “Daddy Warbucks” to the equation of greed drum roll please. Something is haywire this preferential treatment that is awarded to a state undeserving, because it is already well off! Which reminds me of why a Jack Marler “Revolution” may be at hand our only sane “saving grace” hand to this unprecedented heist upon the U.S. Treasury.

Back before Alaska was branded a state still a territory, a guy named Jack Marler was the Internal Revenue Service’s “Head Cop” in Alaska. Even though not a “state” yet, while in “Territory” status Uncle Sam wanted to collect on income because a whole lot of gold was coming out of “thum thar hills” and instead of “tata stew”, the miners were enjoying “beans, bacon and gravy” while watching gold-digger show girls. So Uncle Sam wanted to cash in on this “pot-of-gold”, a piece of the action. But when Jack saw what was going on, even though he knew better because of his affiliation and badge flashing mission to arrest tax dodgers, he decided to go against that principle - to force collect taxes from individuals of this “Alaskan Territory” when all the time…there was “NO REPRESENTATION” as you don’t get that when not a “state”. So Jack went on the “warpath” against the very entity he was supposed to support and against the grain the sole purpose of the U.S. Treasury. He lost his job and was threatened with the “book thrown” because the authorities said Jack understood all too well what failure to honor that filing was all about, for failing to file that 1040 as required. Jack went to court, and guess what? A unanimous verdict, a jury-of-peers, reassured America that without “Representation” collection of taxes on income is not allowed. Even better yet, this verdict setting precedence that which has been a “Sleeping Lady” since. A Simple Simon “Case Closed”, with but for a single ingredient in discovery of record that being “No Taxation without Representation” in victory. And maybe it is time to resurrect that verdict in “Revolution” as when we have a Moron that thinks it’s a Presidential privilege to divvy up “our money” in preference just for his own re-election campaign spending in buying the vote of “We the People”, well it reinforces the fact this Moron has no idea what “Representation” means  and makes sense why he never paid any taxes himself and so ignorant. Then again, maybe he has been a Jack Maler fan all his damn life and if we are remiss in our duty to act the same, he’ll just give it all away!

You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait
Songwriters: John Lennon / Paul McCartney

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