Saturday, May 2, 2020

Dr. Anthony Weiner Fauci

Dear Doctor Fauci;
Please don’t pull an Anthony Weiner on “We the People”, not right now. This is the United States of America still, even under duress. In this “My Country ‘Tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty” you have the “right” to bear arms as well as the “right” to “free speech” the latter Constitutional “meritorious” in disregard the White House’s ruling - from Dontard’s Inferno - recently cast upon you like a boy toy sex toy “ball mouth gag bondage restraint”. You have the almighty “Right” to disobey that “gag order” and “Righteously” so speak freely to “Our” Congress, that is your duty above all, as was previously scheduled. Don’t “rat fink” out, don’t let the Fucking Moron circumcise your freedoms and “Moronize” your individual citizen’s rights as an American. For the “Dontard’s Inferno” to permit you to speak in front of the Republican “Confederate Majority” Senate but not the Democratic “Patriotic Majority” House, such preferential control upon your “Free Speech” is Fred Christ Trump like Fascism. “We the People” are in these times, when our Founding Fathers are calling out “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their countrymen”, not the time for you to remain silent taking some 5th baiting “ball & chain”, unless you like the “bondage”. The main objective of why the Congress needs you to speak up is for our benefit, so do not use this deferment from the White House like Donald Trump used that “bone spurs” draft dodging tactic to assault his PATRIOTISM during the Vietnam War. Then, it was a self-inflicted wound and if you remain silent, it is no different and as a medical professional you should be well aware such self-pity in harmful actions, as to hurt oneself it may point to a mentally deranged incompetence. So perform your duty for America, show up else shut-up get off the crapper and if you renege on that duty, you will go down as a “despicable me”, better known as a TURNCOAT better yet not a reason for TREASON. By protesting this call to duty, you would be placed in the same category as Fred Christ Trump, for exciting a peaceful riot in anger showing disrespect to our Founders, when Dontard’s daddy dearest Fred marched in protest against our men and women in uniform alongside the KKK and Fascists. During a Veterans Day Parade mind you! I mean, I mean…all the House side of the Congress wants to know, did you and Deborah Scarves”R”us Birx sustain a stock hauling hernia with Modernia?

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