Sunday, May 3, 2020

Dear Dr. Scarves”R”us Birx

See you showed up once again the Sunday talk show broadcasts the Feisty FOX, in the early morning with your well-known MO in “Explosive Diarrhea of the Mouth” while your Fucking Moron Imbecile “Boss” was still asleep. First off, how many times have you been “tested” while confined in the Fucking Moron’s “Awful Office” once-upon-a-time the Oval Office of presidential dignity today but for a pigsty filled with swine phooey? Please remember how we used to test if a witch or not in “Ordeal of Water”, so be careful how you answer! And is that office out of “Truth Serum”? Now “bravo” you voiced concern about the “safe distancing protests” harassing our law enforcement, that it was “devastatingly worrisome personally” and that if the “protestors transmitted the virus with an unfortunate outcome those people would feel guilty”? What are you a Fucking Madcow Moron crazy lady? I am sure the White House punk that pushed that Park Ranger into the water during one such protest feels guilty. The only guilty verdict is the fact he was arrested, and I hope while in jail he gets the CovidODO-19 “Crud” and then his Texas governor daddy can come to the rescue. What the Fuck is your message, not just today but for the last many moons - maybe it best to loosen up that “multi-colored noose” around your pie hole breathing, as something is restricting clear-headed thinking. These people “in protest” don’t give a rat’s ass as they take a cue from the Moron’s Fucking spy wife, Melanomia Klaus Fuchs! Remember, I Don’t Care Do U”? You suck as an authoritative figure head and demonstrates the epitome of a Mobius Strip Turncoat. Trying to placate a genuine Fucking Moron that thinks he is a genius and on the other side of reality…for real just so you can claim TV time to show off those scarfs - a different flavor for every state of the Union? OK, my wife liked the “blue one” that was around your neck last week when you spent time with the Fucking Moron, as it looked like it could second as a body bag for when you don’t practice what you preach in close quarters, the best thing that could happen is for you to…holy fuck, there’s your sadistic mugshot again. KILL your TV is making sense once again! For real, you and the Fauci-koo man are in step this “remdesperate” and according to your continuation on the subject area more ED(that explosive diarrhea of the mouth), “we’ve only seen half the data”? That means someone is hiding something and seems to be yet another episode “I can’t show my tax returns”! I hope my income garnished by the U.S. Treasury as taxable income does not contribute to…that Scarves”R”us drama queen show. And I have a request wherein maybe you can prove yourself this “pandemic”, will you step forward to be the first “guinea pig” with that genetically modified vaccine to be released by Moderna “half backed” an escaped mRNA “vaccine” convict? Is that going to be released “Half Backed”, please be honest on this. OK, it is easy to see what that Uncle Sam gift to Moderna of $400-million is all about. A company that does not have an attractive track record of success in a “virus” that works. As Mr. & Mrs. Moderna have already set aside - aka spent and not for a vaccine - but partnering up in efforts to building up production lines so that when and if a vaccine proves promise, that outfit can make a $bundle$ as a producer and distributor. Can you hear me now, cha-ching along and are you part of the singalong? The reason the company’s “stock” went through the roof, as investors are not stupid and “We the People” are “FUCKED, because of a pandemic and a useless piece of "skat" Presidential Task Force - I mean "Task Farce". No NOT the CovidODO-19 in "pandemic", but it appears that we need much more distancing the novel “MORONISM” addiction as ass-kissing…OK, breathing room as a picture is worth its weight in bully pulpit bullshit and maybe "Airplane Mode" will help:

The reason for AIRPLANE MODE?

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