Wednesday, May 27, 2020

CovidODO-20 Scientific Update

BREAKING: Common-Denominator correlation between cell phone density and its corresponding population density, as suspect the  underlying “cause & effect” of the CovidODO-20 Case/Fatality “Rate” - this research and the analysis established by super computers using the Newton ZR “model” which does not require “mature” data for validating results. The so far but for results are indicative in persuasion that which promotes a theory forward that the cell phone energy “canopy” surrounding the “Globe” and thereby encircling the human population may be a contributing factor detrimental to the proper functioning of our immune systems - to combat a rogue virus. This is due to stress induced “platelet” elongation, a shape changing phenomenon(ODO) that exists as tentacles with stickiness, from the “non-thermal” side effects of cell phone radiation bombardment in excess. The “tentacles” reach out to other neighboring platelets under the same duress, and due this reaching out and end-point stickiness, the platelets join arms, a joining together as one. It is during this “temporary” conjoining that a “Covid Criminal Element” can become trapped and thus protected from immune system detection and elimination defenses. This “conjoining” confuses the “platelet” counter, and thus our immune system generates more protective elements and causes a storm of activity, and this confuses the “good guys” and the “bad guys” as well and platelet count swells, so we become sick. This “storm of a lifetime” is a well-known side effect of the “virus” with some innocent victims. And during the relaxation time back to “normal” platelet “shape” configuration(NODO) - during off peak hours in rest mode like Airplane Mode - the transition is like an accordion, like a wound-up spring. And it is during this everyday transition back to normal behavior the platelets will release their captives, and then humans become vulnerable to being hijacked by simple interference upon our health, like from this Covid. This “relaxation” time offers a window of opportunity to unsupervised release, something the current Hi-Tech world we live in is stuck with. When the virus became a “pandemic”, just the fact our habits were “changed” over-night, that was enough to “break” the “bombardment” pattern in profile, thereby  allowing our systems to climb back to some semblance of normalcy in “protection”. The “social distancing” afforded humans this opportunity, not by virtue of any Personal Protection in keeping the “bug” away, just a major pattern change that disrupted the “shape shifting” of the “platelets” and provided for a showdown slowdown of the Covid. Had we continued our normal chores without such a drastic change, the Fatality/Case would be even more drastic - the reason Sweden is bearing the brunt of case fatalities. It did nothing to disrupt the “canopy”. And it is not as easy as saying “Airplane Mode” your device for maybe a few extra hours while sound asleep, as it is very complicated how we react, how the “platelets” behave as we are all different the reason a “vaccine” for this mess is a waste of time and money the reason the bastards are already making a $looting$. See, drain the U.S. Treasury now or forever hold your…another remedy then? It will mean “experimenting” and finding out when a change in routine is desirable - not as drastic - but in maintaining the fact we are still human and this interference by chaos in waves is cause for concern. In the meantime, take a damn break from that “constant karma connectivity” as it is KILLING you softly with its song! Bottomline, give your immune system a break, give your “platelets” a break by breaking the addictive habit of being connected 24/7 as this madness in “can You Hear Me Now” as caught up with us and reality. More to Come!

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