Sunday, May 10, 2020

CovidODO-20 & Airplane Mode

After jumping ship, the Covid-19 has already morphed from the CHINA Xi Coronavirus to the Trump Lie Covfefeavirus and now sworn in by the “aficionado” community as the CovidODO-20. And the single “common denominator” which has so far proven time and time again prominent to define what it all means, that which does not provide a “divide by zero ERROR” head scratching in Confucius say confusing…drum roll please. It is by virtue an extra-ordinary extended “pandemic” staged upon a blood disorder and summons the reason as to why the human skeleton is so targeted right to the heart of things. Yes it is so, and for some reason still not fully accepted but understood out-of-the-gate without “opine”, our “immune system” went weakened in inaction like a pre-existing disorder that which pre-occupied the safety net that would normally exist to combat any viral nemesis. Our own worst nightmare, as even though many experts had predicted a “pandemic” of this size someday due a crowded globe, there was never the thought that a Simple Simon “cell” airborne could be so devastating when not taking into account our contributions - the beforehand weakening that preoccupied the human species in vulnerability. Which means all the predictions were “wrong” as this is different and the reason the world was so ill-prepared. Yes, we are accomplices to this mess, but not through some vulnerability caused by any “Global Warming” phenomenon like some may think and wish , but the postulate of how the element of surprise in contributory negligence our part rests its case in evidence a “Global” malfeasance. We set the stage in vulnerability through a self-inflicted malignancy in ignorance and that allowed the blood cell “platelets” of rats-under-test, as well as with the species Homo Sapien, this critical component of healthy blood to undergo a radical change of shape - the reason for the inclusion of the “ODO” aspect - as in ODO the phase shifting “Changeling” species star of “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”. Likewise with ODO serving as the head of security for the “Deep”, our blood’s “platelets” act as the security blanket to block outside interference, and when that “security” is compromised, all hell breaks loose. And so, the Covid SAR - which is a very rudimentary structure that would normally be disposed of properly and promptly by a well-regulated “militia” like immune system - it instead invaded “Tranquility”. How so? Because our “platelets” were and are under attack by this “ODO” phenomenon, from another entirely different precursor “outside interference”. And with the COVID introduction resembling a “platelet” in shape and form, it finds a haven to hijack and thus easily adopted for adaptation and is thus successful in compromising the chemistry dictated by the CBC. The “Complete Blood Count” tries to understand “Who’s on First”, and when the Covid in disguise and looking like a “platelet” in transition no different then all the surrounding down-to-earth “platelets”, the count of the “curious Covid” short-changes the “real platelets” surrendering to a health wise disadvantage. Just not enough “soldiers” and instead of a security force hard at work, it looks like an ARMY of “Turncoats” deserting the frontlines! All looks fine to the CBC “gatekeeper” in the headcount, and then Mr. Covid can grow and storm and here we are today. Yes, it was a self-inflicted “wound” that makes the entire global population so vulnerable, let me say it again victims of a very “Simple Simon” invasion. And what may have caused this “pre-occupation” that fooled our immune systems? The “non-thermal” side-effects from way too much “cell phone and WiFi” bombardment through 24/7 “connectivity”. Yes, an addiction to be “connected” forever even while we sleep. Look, what good is “Airplane Mode”? Especially in consideration this “Home on the range” in “social disenchantment” and the “skies are so lonely all day” now that the World is under attack with the runways sea to shining sea starting to look no different then a “Used Car” dealership for airplanes on the cheap. Simple Simon again! We can have our cake and eat it too, in a well-regulated moderation this “connectivity” fascination, yes “Airplane Mode” has found a new reason even if “grounded” - this CovidODO-20 has a vaccination! Have it your way, 6-feet up or 6-feet down - the flip of a switch!

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