Sunday, May 3, 2020

CovidODO-19 Symptoms

I caught it, I’m coughing it, that Ted Cruz Crud - aka CoronaCovfefeavirus or when in Airplane Mode it is called the CovidODO-19. For real, as I just cut my finger while not paying attention to Newton’s apple in scissor-hammer when off my rocker listening to Doctor Deborah Scarves”R”us. With a straight face, mind you on a Sunday, she said that the protestors harassing law enforcement over this “jerking off at home” would “feel guilty” if they ejaculated on other Americans? She sicko! But low and behold, no blood flowed from the wound like it was instant karma coagulation as there has been reported “clotting storms” those known to be in treatment for this Armageddon Apocalypse Now upon mankind not kind still to…woman is the “nigger” of the world - Thank You John & Yoko. Just look at the White House staff of CUNTS, they are 101-years backwards, so the virus suits them swell just like it was 1918 all over again for “Dummies”. And I had this dream last night, I thought maybe it was the effect from one-too-many Sam Adams’ New England IPAs, in preparation for the “Revolution”. Now that dream, well it was the “crud” as I dreamt that bullets were no longer effective as “wounds” healed instantly - wow maybe this “crud” is an Act of God and IMAGINE…

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