Monday, May 4, 2020

AIRPLANE Mode & Covid-19

With all the Epidemiologist “still baffled” and all the Epicureans “still buffooned” with a knowledge base far reaching all things considered, how come we are still guided by training wheels? I am talking an understanding of this CovidODO-19 that has attacked mankind, swarming down upon civility best “brace for impact” this Armageddon Apocalypse Now without a rescue plan! And are not the “Huddled Masses” sick and tired of the Deborah Scarves”R”us expertise in medical opinion nonsense? Do yourself a favor…do your neighbor a favor, KILL your smart-Alec phone and SAVE LIVES! Yes, initiate that “Airplane Mode” starting at rest time - like 6pm - and turn off all your other “WiFi” and “Blue-shark” connectivity gizmos that chaotically invade “Tranquility Base” when we have no particular place to go except in tune to the ZZZs. Make “Family Time” exactly that, without that interference that may be secretly “Killing” our immune systems, as an accomplice this “Crud” projectile. Testing from the ADX-Annex in Colorado has seen a rapid decrease in CovidODO-19 cases when the human skeleton in antenna mode gets less “Cell Phone” activity, and that is what a good night’s sleep is all about - no interference from Ma Bell! Look, short of a vaccine, what do we have to loose and a whole lot simpler then that Fucking Moron’s “HydroAX Murderer” prescription. I won’t go into specifics of what the experts have found the reason for this being so, as it is as complicated as Joe Biden’s “sexual escapades”. But short the shell of the nut, it has to do with the natural relaxation cycle of our blood cells “in form” when we retreat away from all the connectivity nonsense, as the blood does not like the “chaos mood” when we subject our skeletal structure to bombardment of “excitement” every which way but loose. The blood and associated platelets respond, changing shape to accommodate this attack as a natural response - like on over-wind. So when there exists some opportunity to reformate, that is when our immune systems are vulnerable, as during this time-out period in transition that combat zone is in recess - and if Mr. CovidODO-19 comes knocking, it’s like an “open door” policy. Look, we can have our cake and eat it to, as this side effect of being “connected”, it is something we can live with as long as we are willing to demonstrate a willingness to adopt a behavior that shuns away the addiction of this “Hi-Tech” monster with some sensible semblance of a breather. No doubt, when we are surrounded by a canopy of “connectivity in chaos” all routers aiming for justification to be heard, our blood cells and platelets react in accordance an accordion, and then when it is wound up like an overwound wrist watch, the natural tendency is to normalize when exhausted. The reason a Simple Simon virus can wreck-havoc, as it is well known that a side-bar consistent with the “non-thermal” effects of this “connectivity bombardment” is to “reshape” the red blood cells, essentially devastating to the “platelets” and the reason when Mr. CovidODO-19 makes a show it can invoke “platelet storming” accompanied by “blood clotting” - as our immune system is designed to deploy an exact count platelet response, unaware of the fact the “platelets” are oversized and virus recipients become victims. And the fact that the human blood undergoes a “shape shifting phenomenon” when subjected to living under the “Hi-Tech Canopy”, that blood is even more compromised those of ethnic background inclusion of “sickle” cell structuring. Look, calm down that “blood in chaos” mood by switching to “Airplane Mode” for a recess when home with the family matter of fact turn off all the “WiFi” crap and play family games instead matter of fact get that old record player out of the basement and tell Alexa to take a hike to the unemployment line - as what do you have to lose as a “vaccine” is still way-out thus way-off and we only have ourselves to fend for ourselves. And don’t ever expect the authorities to instill any confidence this may be the underlying passion for the “pandemic”, as that would mean the “Hi-Tech” invited us into its “guinea pig” end zone wherein we became addicted to this “constant criminal connectivity” and just turning off a cell phone/WiFi tower is too damn easy as the remedy of a vaccine is a “shot in the arm” for the investors already singing cha-ching oh cha-ching - until the next Simple Simon menace shows its face.

Notebook:  Back an entire month ago, an eternity like it seems this “pandemic menace” a daily horror show our daily chorus chore, over in India at the Mumbai-Dharavi slums there came panic. That the living conditions, wherein “cheaper-by-the-dozen” families live in 20-foot by 20-foot huts, the Covid-19 would find a New York City outbreak on steroids. This slum, recognized as the “poorest” on earth with a population density of 700000, susceptible to a massive body count an outbreak out-of-control and inevitable. With no running water and shared latrines, this was the “Test Case” what this virus was all about a menace upon society. But the Covid-19 active case count today is tame and somewhat calm at 330, while the death toll sits at 18, and authorities say imported cases from migrant workers. It appears somewhat under-control in comparison what is happening from a global perspective. Matter of fact, when this panic in thought kept the Mumbai medical up at night, there came a plan to distribute that “hydroxychloroquine” as a proactive step this place was a timebomb waiting to erupt. That plan was abandoned and instead, testing was ramped up and it was easier to get a Covid test in the “slums” then those waiting in line in USA. And in comparison with New York City, a population density 1/25th that of the “slum”, well the “mortality death rate percentage” in the modern USA Wall Street city, twice as much! The difference? In the “slums” people live in metal building shelters that acts as some semblance of another type of “shelter from the storm”, reflecting and rejecting that Ma Bell “bombardment”. Look, look for a common-denominator and it is there radiating as usual and what do we do when Mr. Covid takes advantage of how that menace took advantage of a weakened immune defense, we subject ourselves to even more wayward radiation with “work at home” policies. Wonder why the numbers in Trump’s domain continue to climb? We live, we breath under a “canopy” augmented by deception. In the 70s we had a guiding light called “Kill Your TV” and today…signing off!

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