Thursday, April 2, 2020

Winged Hospitals?

Is American know how in ingenuity a lost cause? From sea to shining sea, airport tarmacs are littered with grounded planes lined up in a fashion of passion, just waiting to go back to work. Now these modern day sky-high cabins designed in comfort have climate-controlled environments, latrines to canteens and “In the unlikely event of an emergency oxygen masks will appear in front of you. Place it firmly over your nose and mouth and breathe normally.” And isn’t that face mask like a mini-ventilator as it provides “oxygen”? So why not repurpose these stagnant beasts as “recover” hospitals for this menace of a virus that is out hoaxing our Moron-in-Chief, a temporary clearing house for those in recovery out of the “critical” phase thus allowing the hospitals a break in the action, some breathing room to accommodate this virus and its victims as patients. Now these parking lot airport tarmacs are off the beaten path, chain-supply ready already in ease for things like refueling - as the climate control relies on an engine running at least at idle - all performed from the outside as is the elevator to keep the refrigerator full as is the honey bucket “dumped” from outside because shit still flows downhill. In this crisis, hey here is a way for Boeing to find a cure for its 767 line of planes “grounded”, as when this is all said and done, why not have a fleet of “Hospital” ready planes?

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