Tuesday, April 7, 2020

White House Shakedown

Wow, “The Times They Are a-Changin’” in the White House, I guess we know who wears the panty liners. See, Jared Kushner was kicked out of the most coveted and prized priority position in the White House today, overseeing the completion of Melania Trump’s “Tennis Courts” - wherein once upon a time Michelle Obama planted a “peace garden” in due respect to offset global warming. So the construction was behind schedule due the workers could not find proper PPE during the COVID outbreak and now we hear that oversight, to accelerate the completion of “pave paradise put up a parking lot”, it will be the sole responsibility of Stephanie Griswoldham. Apparently PPE was taken from the “National Stockpile” to continue the court’s construction, as this work was considered “exempt” from the COVID lockdown under that of a “National Interest”. And in keeping with tradition with the Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty to protect “family”, following the demotion Jared has been appointed to a non-critical and lessor time-sensitive and demanding position, heading up the “Coronavirus Presidential Task Force”.

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