Monday, April 6, 2020

Turn Off Your Cellphone NOW!

Pinch yourself, better yet SAVE YOURSELF! Ask yourself this, would you place that “Smart Alec” phone in the microwave oven then blast it with radiation?  Of course not, but are we living in an Auschwitz like oven? Could it be that the derivative responsible for this new age flu-like virus originates as a “Technical” menace, that which is orchestrating the fulfillment of this Corona…Covfefea…how about we settle the argument with Cellmaniavirus. Yes “technical”, as the catalyst encouraging this cataclysmic catechism that is causing a “Global” death grip pandemic - there has to be a common denominator sideline foul that caught us off guard. I am not a medical professional but healthy at 69 because of what modern medicine has allowed, and we globetrotters have done one hell of a job policing debilitating menaces since the polio, so please hear me out why something out of the ordinary has gone terribly wrong. For real, as in these trying times with the Coronavirus amongst us on a worldwide scale, this wreck-it-Ralph-havoc upon “Tranquility”, we have all been militarized so all “opines” excepted as expected. No ideas foolish. And until the confused in chaos medical establishment figures out what the hell went wrong, I offer my take-it-or-leave it 3-cents worth. Yes 3-cents, as I have followed every damn precaution since this Armageddon like Rush Limbaugh “Hoax” in Beowulf bewared us or from the political spectrum, this “Beer Party Virus” according to the beanie cap Congressman Donald Young of Alaska. Yes, I religiously followed the footloose when this Lucifer surfaced and continue to eat an apple a day including the cyanide laced seeds as an oxygen scavenger in efforts no sympathy for the Devil, so self-quarantined self-entertained deserves an extra cent my sense. OK, my last visit to the grocer meant a case of Sam Adams and a tube of Gorilla glue, to adhere myself to the couch yet within arm’s reach the refrigerator! Yes, it is the COVID-19 which is raising havoc on the 31st anniversary of the EXXON Valdez “wreck”, but what does that have to do with this Armageddon “virus”? Hey to all those “survivalists” that ran off to Alaska thinking they were safe and sound away from such a menace, as this “bug” is everywhere, so what happened? And when it is all said and done and the investigation is over “who done it”, this “bug” may have started in the Philippines, brought home to Anchorage by a “carrier” and successfully “tarmac” transferred to China - the facts are intriguing as Alaska is the “arm pit” in cargo transfers to and from China. Now the human virus machine keeps on giving, the “grunge” comes and goes, on an almost daily basis in frequency out-of-fashion and finding no passion there is some new “bug” strain that is born and dies just as quick, as we are protected from these could be life threatening menaces from Nature by Nature - that protection an inalienable right in different degrees. But this time around, it appears this Corona was sneaky, and slipped through the unguarded back door. Then again, maybe it was not a sneak attack, maybe Nature let down its guardian angel or background over-burdened and that protection weakened. See, for the most part, “here comes the Sun” treats these “bugs” as a nuisance and when the Ra’s rays awaken the day, the “spectrum’s” annihilation beacon decimates a majority of the “virus” alerts and we never even know the existence in persistence something new ever posed a threat. But something has gone terribly wrong with this “forevermore” protective barrier chemistry, the Sun’s energy efficiently “zapping” away these “bugs” - like some kind of an interference from an un-natural source. Yes, some sort of interfering energy that has formed a “canopy”, a “mesh” of destruction and the outcome our bodies succumbing to an “immune deficiency”. Like those Sun’s antibodies blocked. And there is only one thing that could prove that blocking phenomenon, cell phone energy interference! There is a possibility that the energy “web” from cell phone and other “wireless” devices has meshmerized, and in doing so is blocking the Sun’s energy we have relied upon for eons to defend against such “bed bug” bombardment. See, if we establish a scale of 1 to 10, based on how our individual immune system is so designed to fight back, if a 10 once-upon-a-time maybe today down to a 5, based on the fact the cell phone interference has been successful in decreasing what the Sun could do. Yes, the cell phone energy linked in such a manner it acts as a “cloud” and reflects the spectrum once relied upon to destroy those “bugs”. And if so, then we are all at risk, with a decreased immune deficiency not yet recognized by evolution to combat and then when a virus like the “Corona” is alive and well it hits hard. And that is what is happening, as for the most part we are healthy and something took us all by surprise, and there is but for a single common denominator. Have it your way, linked up or living another day! There is but for a single guilty party this Armageddon, can you hear me now?

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