Monday, April 13, 2020

Trump’s Lunacy Truancy KILLS

Donald “Fucking Moron” Trump missed too many opportunities knocking on Heaven’s door to defend “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” because playing golf was more important. And of record, 35-man-eating-hours with the putter in hand down Mar-a-Lago way practicing dereliction-in-duty truancy. And more important to Melania, playing tennis so we have a “First Lady is a Trump Tramp” that was also AWOL. The sad fact of the matter, this dereliction is from Trump’s very own passion in perversion upon his own posse voicing what’s up ahead - but ignorance is bliss…not in the case of what “We the People Proletariat”  expect from a sitting U.S. President. To recap the Moron’s abuse of office, the first apparent American death was on January 14th, a guy from Alaska visiting the Philippines - from complications thought to be from pneumonia, most likely the COVID. And it was probably from “viral shedding” contact with the “virus” while traveling through the Ted Stevens International Airport - as that runway is under exemption “federal crimes”[see skidmark] wherein China trade traffic is humongous and continued on way past Trump’s China ban. And from that time to when it was too damn late to combat this KILLER, Trump was on that putter picnic 7-times, when on March 8th it was his last game before all hell broke loose. What can I say, how about the fact Bob Dylan wrote a song about this Trump Monster, called “License to KILL” and that is really apparent this day as a sailor from the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt died due the COVID, and all Trump could do is send out his henchmen to belittle the dedicated NAVY Captain that was sending out an SOS that his crew was under attack?

Now he worships at an altar of a stagnant pool
And when he sees his reflection, he's fulfilled
Oh, man is opposed to fair play
He wants it all and he wants it his way
Now, there's a woman on my block
She just sit there as the night grows still
She say who gonna take away his license to kill?
Songwriter: Bob Dylan

Skidmark: According to the Alaska Journal of Commerce - What can be done at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport would be cabotage other places — a federal crime. A U.S. Department of Transportation exemption for Alaska in the Federal Aviation Administration authorization passed in 2004 allows cargo landed in the state on its way to and from the Lower 48 to be shuffled among planes and carriers at that time without being subject to federal regulations. It is still considered to be on its international journey.

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