Friday, April 24, 2020

Trump KILLS Military Veterans

(CNN)The US Food and Drug Administration warned on Friday against the use of two drugs that have been touted by President Donald Trump as potential treatments for the novel coronavirus.
The drugs, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, should only be used in hospitals or clinical trials because they can kill or cause serious side effects, the FDA said. These include serious heart rhythm problems in Covid-19 patients treated with the drugs, especially when they are combined with the antibiotic azithromycin or other medications that can affect the heart.

Only a FASCIST Moron would use our World War veterans as guinea pigs! Time to tear down this CONFASCISTFEDERACY…man your Lysol!

And while I’m at it, an “Amazing Discovery”:

Finally, after a very challenging ditch digging and DNA snooping experience, explorers have made a major discovery. Yes, the origin of Donald John Trump has been uncovered.

And what else have we learned from this discovery? That condoms were inferior back in the 1940s and a breach of the Goodyear Blimp rubber latex could allow a Moron to be conceived. If Fred Christ Trump been not so cheap and re-using condoms confiscated from his tenants at “Beach Haven” in lieu of excessive illegal rent, Donald Trump would have remained a “wet dream” and he needs to be locked away in a “condom” - yes used!

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