Wednesday, April 8, 2020


So with millions of wage earners “world-wide” out of luck with a Johnny Cash Paycheck since Mr. COVID arrived, is anybody making $Money$? OK, members of the U.S. Congress that purchased stocks in Personal Protective Equipment before the pandemic, but on the heels of this COVID pandemic “storm” because of insider trading notifications as part of their “National Security Briefings” in confidentiality privilege, well they diversified that portfolio in support of this nation as to do it for any self-satisfying self-deserving profit only motive, our Founding Fathers had a trademark name for that kind of behavior - TREASON! And low and behold, SAMSUNG just posted its position for January through March along timelines of this COVID-19 season opener, honey $money$ up 3% from the same time last year when the “world” was still healthy? Yes, when the “sky is falling, sell, sell, sell”, for the “Smart Alec Phone” manufacturer it means $5-billion in profits during Phase I of this pandemic and estimates of $45-billion by the time Mr. COVID is exterminated, just for this year alone! Why such profits? Because when workers were sent home to work, it was the hi-tech that saw instant profits and the cell phone and wi-fi is making money hand over fist. In “connectivity”, it has become our safety net in “couch potatoe” mode in efforts to stay “tuned in” to what is happening outside our windows now that we are sheltered-in-place. Reminds me of “The Boy in the Plastic Bubble”(1976) starring John Travolta.

What a difference a day made at the same point in time what a difference a single letter makes for these daunting days ahead. With respect to that “single letter”, I am not talking the extra “e” as found in the Dan Quayle “Fruit Loop” dictionary. I am talking SAR vs. SARS and will get to the ODO and DODO entitlement. Most likely the masses in many, including the Moron in Brilliance Donald Trump, understands what that SARS is all about in respect to the COVID-19. As a reminder drum roll please… Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Now if the sly FOX steals but for a single letter, then what is leftover is this SAR - and it has nothing to do directly with the COVID-19 respiratory syndrome and not a side effect either, but the root cause behind what may be the greatest pandemic since sliced bread made its debut and in-between the sheets yeast infection mold found an aspiring future. OK, in this challenge I am talking Specific Absorption Rate and this SAR is explained as the “rate at which energy is absorbed by the human body when exposed to radio frequency radiation” - from things like cell phones. We basically live today under a “microwave oven” like canopy, wherein the energy beacon is low enough that we don’t feel the heat, but this SAR finds a concern in “non-thermal” biological effects upon this human, the latter being in constant bombardment by stray radiation that comes at this target of interest from every damn direction on the compass and it has side effects contributing to a degradation upon our health. Said again, this is the “non-thermal” side effects that have found very little attention getting science. Like a ticking time bomb, it was merely a matter of time wherein so much connectivity sponsored by a widespread “pandemic like” addiction to being linked up 24/7, it has taken its toll. As John Prine finds himself in ICU after testing positive for the COVID, it reminds me of one of his tunes: “The lonesome friends of science say the world will end most any day, well, if it does, then that's okay…” as this bastard of a virus targets all as victims no discrimination involved. Sad to say, John passed away with this writing in draft. And with 3-months under our belt, why has not there come any credible or viable reason for this “monster” that continues to disrupt tranquility sea to shining sea, nation coast to nation border a world-wide Armageddon at large? Look, science is not that weak, we are just not focused on the “root cause” as other priorities rule the day in research - like we need a fix and quick! And with the Trumpster, well the time the Moron spends on “excuses”, it is a sickening esture so don’t hold your breath anything worthwhile for awhile from the Eunuch-in-Chief or his corpses in Birx glamor. Sad, when supposedly educated people - not the Moron - use stage time for fame and glory and contribute nothing to the cause. Yet, there has to be a common-denominator that caused this Apocalypse Now, and yes there is. It is when SAR trumps the SARS, and our immune system suffers, like that “kid in the bubble”. There is a link, when one looks at the worldwide population density in comparison with cell-phone density and augmented by population density blood type, the common-denominator rests its case. Something is attacking the human blood, remember that next time a “text message” comes through that can’t be without gizmo…”blood, is thicker then mud it’s a family affair”. And when this trifecta data of population density along with cell radiation density and blood type density, which is readily available, when downloaded into a Phineas J. Whoopee 3DBB “Mathematical Model” in confidence 3-sigma and the “unite” button subjects this data retravel to submission, we get the results. And we soon see the reason that the entities making a windfall profit when 99% of industry is suffering, well best “Kill Your Cellphone”. It is the fact that after way too much cell phone radiation bombardment that our blood cells have reacted, in efforts to combat the side effects of Chernobyl like interference. And the reason that some blood types are more susceptible to entertaining this COVID “madness” through incubation and then on through intubation? Simple perturbation theory tells the truth as this “cell phone radiation” becomes a burden, it is causing our blood to act as a “shape-shifter” and during the transition to “normalcy”, the COVID attacks!  And that is wherein John Prine finds worth as a gladiator, for bringing this up in song, as there is a lonely scientist out there that warned us about the “non-thermal” side effects from cell-phone radiation. Had only we listened to hear cry of “can you hear me now” instead of all the rest of the background chatter that drowned out her cry for help. Without years and years of studies, we have the root cause right now, as it all fits in that puzzle the pieces together “united” paints a picture every picture tells a story don’t it. And let’s hope, that when it is all said and done with that those camouflaged cell phone towers in imposter healthy pine trees, as is the Fucking Moron a Moron still getting away with impersonating a U.S. President, that we find an authority like the FCC that finally says “slow down” and tune out else the COVID is here to stay. It will become the ultimate test, of connectivity verses serenity. OK, below is the case study done in 2015 and the results of the study well on the road to give us an insight what may have caused our very own immune systems to “Tilt”. But let me make it easy for you to understand the ramifications of allowing our body as an institute get pummel polluted by wayward radiation - yes wayward as that is your conversation bombarding my tranquility to be left alone, not my raging airtime with a bill collector. Remember ODO, the shape-shifter? That is the crux of the matter what’s the matter, as this radiation has a tendency, short term duration to long tern duration, to change the shape and thus the behavior our blood cells - and that is encouraged more or less by “blood type”. And it is during this transformation we ask “who’s on first” we don’t know and Mr. COVID as the opportunist finds an open window. Yes, that simple and here we are in a pandemic.

Blood is the essence of life. It is useful to examine the blood under a microscope to look for any changes in reaction to a stressor. In this exploratory study, ten human subjects were exposed to a cell phone radiation stressor. Their blood was examined under a dark-field microscope to look for changes, if any, from the cell phone microwave frequency.

Results show substantial changes in the blood from short-term cell phone radiation exposure in nine out of ten human subjects. RBC aggregation and stickiness were mainly observed following 45 minutes of exposure to a smart phone in receiving mode worn by subjects in a backpack. By contrast, RBC morphological (shape) changes including the formation of echinocytes (spiky cells) were dominant after subjects actively used the phone for an additional 45 minutes. It appears that RBC stickiness with clumping is the first stage of the cell phone radiation effect. Subsequently, the RBC aggregates tend to break apart, and then cell shape changes occur, in which echinocytes and other misshapen cells are observed. Not all subjects showed both types of changes. The difference in net RBC aggregates between the carrying and the active use conditions are not significant for this small sample, as indicated by the overlap in the error bar values in Figure 15. However, the differences in RBC shape changes between the carrying and the active use conditions appear to be significant. Such blood morphologies—RBC clumping and misshapen cells—are frequently observed in ill persons or those eating less-than-optimal diets. Echinocyte formation has been associated with aging RBCs and diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver. In a study exposing mice to cell phones, clumped RBCs were found after shortterm exposure, and abnormal RBC shapes were observed over longer exposure times, which is similar to the results observed in this study. It is possible that the changes in RBC shape that we observed may be related to functional changes in cell membrane permeability. Other studies have reported changes in RBC membranes following exposure to microwaves, too. Low-power microwave radiation increased membrane permeability and destabilized the cell membrane in rabbit RBCs, and also caused the shedding of particular membrane proteins. Similar effects showing changes in membrane permeability have been reported for human RBCs. Some, but not all, studies show a loss of hemoglobin from RBCs irradiated with cell phone frequency microwaves, indicating greater membrane fragility. However, these are in vitro studies in which blood taken from the body was directly exposed to microwaves. The observation that peripheral blood taken from a finger and toe of the same subject showed the same blood changes in response to cell phone radiation exposure suggests that the blood changes we observed are systemic. This deserves further study to investigate whether the observed blood changes are consistent throughout the human body. We did not investigate how long these blood changes last after the cell phone radiation exposure period ends. However, because subjects refrained from using a cell phone for four hours prior to the study, we can surmise that the blood recovers within four hours. The onset, reversibility, recovery time, and chronicity of these blood changes need further investigation. It is probable that the blood changes that we observed would affect blood circulation. RBC aggregation has been widely studied, and its importance is well established in the microcirculation. RBCs that are stuck together in rouleaux or other aggregates increase the blood viscosity, and this affects the passage of RBC through the microvessels throughout the body. RBC shape and deformability are also relevant to blood flow. The typical round disk shape of normal RBCs is considered optimum for blood flow. The shape of the echinocytes might impair blood flow, and oxygen release from echinocytes is known to be impaired. It would be important to explore whether symptoms such as fatigue and poor concentration, characteristic of EHS, may possibly result from the blood changes that we observed in this study. It is not known whether repeated or chronic exposure to cell phone radiation produces similar effects on the blood as observed in this study. However, we found that older subjects who reportedly use cell phones less in daily life than younger subjects showed greater levels of blood changes. It is possible that younger subjects may simply have greater resilience to cell phone radiation than older subjects. It is also possible that because younger subjects receive more regular exposure, they have become habituated, i.e., less sensitive to it. Their reactivity is diminished, and they may be unable to respond to it appropriately as a stressor due to various long-term changes in their bodies from repeated exposure. Further studies comparing different groups of users by age and cell phone habit could resolve these issues.
By the way in ending, the DODO is in reference to a Pope that thinks it was “global warming” retaliation as an Act of God!



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