Tuesday, April 7, 2020

My “State of the UNION”

Wow, finally a break away from the doom & gloom controlled by this CoronaCovfefeavirus “man-made” monster that has succeeded in taking over our Liberty and Freedoms. So, time for my “State of the UNION” as are not we tired of what comes from the “State of the Eunuch”? Hear Ye, Hear Ye. I woke up after a restful sleep, a few Sam Adams’ New England IPAs as “Mother’s little helper” in assisting that passing out on the pillow. First thing this am, cup of coffee in hand and now engaged in taking a good “crap” and it will be a flush twice affair as it is a long way to the 1600 Mar-a-Lago Avenue “cesspool”. For real, “GOOGLE” the word cesspool and you get the GPS coordinates for the Melania Klaus Fuchs tennis court at the White House - once upon a time a peace garden under this nation’s last First Lady Michelle - now under re-construction with still ongoing construction even during the “Shelter-in-Place” restrictions due it was considered “essential” work. “They paved paradise Melania put up a tennis court”! And like the Fucking Moron as the “Energizer Phony” who keeps on placing blame that this “cesspool pandemic” is the 100-year flood - as we have not seen anything like it since the “Spanish Flu”…for real an executive order to classify the COVID as the Chinese Flue? The blame game, it worked before. But since that time some 100-years gone bye-bye, from that era came the nation building years of Wilson to Harding to Coolidge to Hoover to Roosevelt to Truman to Eisenhower to Kennedy- to Johnson to Nixon to Ford to Carter to Reagan to Bush to Clinton to Bush and ending with Barack Obama. And these men of honor “sworn to duty” fort for this nation and by the time the 44th turned over the keys to the Oval Office, “We the People” were jubilant as a 2-Ply Nation. I am talking the stuff we use to wipe our ass, as one thing with this “nation building” the fact 1-ply went extinct for this non-3rd world nation. That is the bipartisan barometer of success, 2-Ply as “stinkfinger” sucks, as found with the 1-ply that falls apart. And why it is the “barometer”? It was the one thing that all Americans enjoyed without a divide, supper rich to middle rich to lower Richie Rich kids to middle-class heroes to lower-class heroes to the homeless class, it was the “haves and the have not” in solidarity, in 2-ply for all. About the only market for the 1-ply, institutions and roadside rest areas. Even within the prisons, the “stinkfinger” was a thing of the past as those incarcerated have “rights”. Then came January 20th, 2017 and the tides turned and we were taken back down that path to 1-ply stench. Look, we were not prepared for this backwards jolt in “stinkfinger”, but when we have to stoop so low and fight over that last roll, even if 1-ply as we are desperate, welcome to the Donald John Trump Cesspool once upon a time “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in 2-ply Liberty!

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