Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mr. COVID’s Military Draft

Will students see any of the stimulus dollars going to colleges?
~ From CNN's Adrienne Vogt ~

Jean Chatsky, a finance journalist and CEO of HerMoney.com, is answering some of your most pressing questions about the coronavirus and their money.

One college student asked: "I've heard billions of dollars from the stimulus are going to colleges and universities. As a college student, will I see any of that money directly?" 
Here's what she said:

“There was $12.5 billion in the CARES Act to go to 5,000 colleges and universities. And the universities have to disperse half of the money they received directly to the students in the form of emergency financial aid grants. Go to your college and university's website, see what they put up. Some of them are allowing students to apply for these grants, some are dispersing funds to students who receive Pell grants.”
Stupidity - COVID Side Effect? To think that this is a time to enrich oneself, when a student status…what the fuck has gone wrong?

And here is how that is playing out for students, to accumulate excessive wealth in “financial aid” during this “pandemic” a crisis time to pirate “skim” a profit. When “School’s out for the summer” came early with Mr. COVID arriving expectantly and the cramped fromunder mold-smelling $500/month dormitory went “CLOSED”, many students praytell did not want to go home and live with parents as curfews would impose. And thus would continue their education requirements remotely, so found new apartments to party hardy. Now that “remote” rent in private quarantine rests its case at $1600 bucks, which means you can shove 10-pounds of shat in a one-pound bag, OK just kidding as in learning it equates to 4-students into a luxury apartment and share the costs, so savings of $400 bucks pocketed. And just bill your institute of higher learning for your $400 dollar lose, so double-jeopardy you have doubled your money courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers now on “unemployment”. For real, it’s easy “like taking candy from a baby” as your Dean has already billed, I meant bilked, Uncle Sam and it is “crap” thinking like this that got US into this mess to begin with - do we need more, as this have and have not “mindset” must end! Dear Richie Rich folks taking a vacation at your 3rd estate out at the Hamptons, has all that $loot$ protected you from this Armageddon Apocalypse Now upon every man, women, child and pet snake?

Here’s my take-away so far how “We the People” are not coming together and need a non-monetary stimulus that gets our attention - remember the Vietnam WAR. If this “pirate profiting” is the “mental mindset” of college students, then Uncle Sam needs to start a MILITARY DRAFT immediately to re-purpose and thus recondition our youth to help combat this COVID monster, as we are at WAR. Yes, college can wait as what good is that degree if there is no one left to sue or hedge-fund rape? And like any other draft opportunity, we will see the weakling “Bone Spur” objectors - this is for COUNTRY and no excuse to want to stay home! Yes, it is time for “UNCLE SAM to Enlist a Draft” of all able-bodied men and women as foot soldiers boots on the ground to “man-handle” the front-lines. And when the fatality rate starts, at least they died for their country and not for their agreement to be a guinea pig in some whack like Henry Murray finds Ted Kaczynski experiment!

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