Sunday, April 5, 2020

He’s a Real Mobius Man

After 1169 days, it is not so difficult to grasp an understanding of how pretender Donald Trump operates, his “motif operandi” a street car named deserter on a dead end. In two words, he is the ultimate “Mobius Strip” trip President. What I mean by that, his actions are defined by inaction and vice-versa just like how the Mobius Strip transcends reality, travel 360-degrees but like black and white out of sync where am I on the other side of the fence! So the truth means a lie. Easy street to blame the other guy, the list of the gifts of the “Mobius” keeps on giving. It is the ultimate in “fake” wherein Trump has today outsmarted the King of Fake, that Vince McMahon of WWE fame. Like when “Donald Trump Meets the Boogeyman” was part of Vince and Donald’s ring side freak show. But even though I did not support Donald Trump - because I could not stand his Fascist father Fred as the Beach Haven maggot - and no way in hell would I waste my Patriotic vote in “voice” to the spouse of a lying SOB, I do wish Trump success. Especially so during these trying times as his success is our success love it or leave it as “We the People” are all in this together again. Amazing that it required an out-of-control “pandemic” to close that “divide” here in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, as our Founding Fathers warned us about a “division” and we were getting too close for comfort the edge. Look, when that “divide” breaches Democracy, the only willing and ready remedy is the Confederacy, something still on Mitch McConnell’s “wish list” so he is very upset as along came Mr. COVID, forcing us to be as “One Nation” under…Now I do watch the Donald’s daily “COVID White House” show as I like to watch how Mike Pence runs away from the boss in efforts to maintain that “social distancing”, else maybe someone shit in their pants. It is entertaining, and laughter is still the best medicine this “pandemic” shy of any other cure all. So just yesterday, Trump’s only “mission” was to foster strength through “unity” in getting back to business and opening things up…business as usual except this time around Trump had a new-found friend to fondle - that Hydroxychloroquine thing which he pronounces so eloquently and rightfully so. See, a COVID medical treatment report was published that summarizes how this “malaria parasite” drug is being used as a last-ditch effort to comfort those stricken by the COVID. And those results somewhat “promising” as used in China and Spain and Italy, three nations hit very hard by this “virus”. Yet these nations on the road to what appears to be a recovery period, wherein the Hydro-axe was administered, not as a “cure” like vaccination, but as a ways and means to promote a quicker recovery for some patients. To recap the results:

Hydroxychloroquine usage amongst COVID-19 treaters is 72% in Spain, 49% in Italy, 41% in Brazil, 39% in Mexico, 28% in France, 23% in the U.S., 17% in Germany, 16% in Canada, 13% in the UK and 7% in Japan

Hydroxychloroquine was overall chosen as the most effective therapy amongst COVID-19 treaters from a list of 15 options (37% of COVID-19 treaters)
75% in Spain, 53% Italy, 44% in China, 43% in Brazil, 29% in France, 23% in the U.S. and 13% in the U.K.

The two most common treatment regimens for Hydroxychloroquine were:
(38%) 400mg twice daily on day one; 400 mg daily for five days
(26%) 400mg twice daily on day one; 200mg twice daily for four days

Outside the U.S., Hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the U.S. it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients

Globally, 19% of physicians prescribed or have seen Hydroxychloroquine prophylactically used for high risk patients, and 8% for low risk patients.
 Matter of fact, some sources indicate that a doctor in desperation in the states had to promote the “chloroquine” therapy to a group of elderly that had become infected and the results pretty damn encouraging to say the least, in a remarkable recovery rate patients in senior - yes out of desperation because these victims too fragile to move to a hospital bed that held those in demand “ventilators”. So the Hydroxychloroquine seems to be a “quick fix” and we know The Donald loves the “fixer” up specials and as such the interest to use a medication not approved by the FDA - regardless it could mean only half the time one under-the-influence of Mr. COVID would have to sing the “ventilator blues” while dying. I am not a MD nor is The Donald, but this study is well worth the “burp”, and herein is wherein I disagree with his philosophy. He is using Taxpayer $loot$ to buy millions of doses for his “stockpile”, when there is not enough to go around and it still requires a medical professional to “prescribe” this snake oil in methodology. It has worked, but for a specific audience. And my doctor said any station calls are 6-months out. So even if this stuff is soon approved, good luck getting your hands on it. That is another “Mobius Moment” for the Moron, as he knows it is not available for the masses, thus in reality a false sense of security a cure by saying “try it on for size". It ain’t available! In the meantime with the “Mobius Man”, well here is another example in Confucius says confusion doesn’t pretend.

April 1st, 2020: U.S. gas prices fall to lowest average in 4 years -- $1.98, yet Donald said it is down to 0.98-cents and good as that will help those out of work. At the same time he asks Saudi Arabia’s Prince Swordoff to cut production and that helps oil prices to go higher and so to with gasoline. See, that is the “Mobius Catch”, as it can only work both ways on the “Strip” and that “work” all depends on what side of the street you are on.
April 4th, 2020: U.S. gas prices reigning in at a $1.944 when DT said it was selling for 0.90-cents a gallon and oil prices starting to rebound. So a short lived victory for the breadwinners out of work.

Which goes to show this math of the Moron, Trump’s wealth is only half of what he tells us! Wow, amazing grace what we will find out during these trying times. But rest assured one thing for sure already a for sure, if The Donald was not a $billionaire$ before Mr. COVID, I am sure that in the aftermath he will no longer have to shelter those tax returns and with a  mile long smile, “see I told you” and so proud to be a member of that 1% club! Look, he cannot fix this mess, he can only set his mind on making gasoline more expensive as the “Mobius Man” mentality lives on and we have no idea whose side he is on!

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