Friday, April 3, 2020

First Lady Speaks Up, COVID-19

“Her Majesty The Queen has recorded a special broadcast to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth in relation to the Coronavirus outbreak. The televised address will be broadcast at 8pm (3pET) on Sunday 5th April, 2020. The address was recorded at Windsor Castle.”

My mistake, as “We the People” under the Red, White & Blue have NOT a First Lady, but some Klaus Fuchs witch-bitch that is best known for “I Really Don’t Care Do U”. By the way, since Donald Trump has been speaking out of his ass the past 1169 days, especially the past 3-months telling lie after lie after lie his understanding in brilliance this “virus”, maybe using underwear as a face shield…every picture tells a story don’t it…and Donald, thanks for your briefing on the CoronaCovfefeavirus as the subliminal message is very comforting!

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