Saturday, April 4, 2020

Debbie Does Doctor Birx - XXX

Dear Deborah Does Doctor Birx;
They say 3 percent of the people use 5 to 6 percent of their brain - 97 percent use 3 percent and the rest goes down the drain - I'll never know which one I am but I'll bet you my last dime - 99 percent think we're 3 percent 100 percent of the time - 64 percent of all the world's statistics are made up right there on the spot - 82.4 percent of people believe 'em whether they're accurate statistics or not - I don't know what you believe but I do know there's no doubt - I need another double shot of something 90 proof, I got too much to think about - they say 92 percent of everything you learned in school was just bullshit you'll never need - 84 percent of everything you got you bought to satisfy your greed - because 90 percent of the world's population links possessions to success - even though 80 percent of the wealthiest 1 percent of the population drinks to an alarming excess. More money, more stress. It's too much to think about too much to figure out, stuck between hope and doubt.

Thank you Snider. And Birxshit, no need to reply as it would be just more huff and puff! But I be damned as that Trump “COVID-19 Task Force” is the epitome of a “Man-Made” disaster onto itself. I honestly believe that The Donald The Moron needs to declare a State-of-Emergency for this pathetic showing of “Dysentery Leadership” in nonsense as the only authoritative take-away this daily stage show like a WWE slug fest in fake, that the so-far cure for this pandemic is kissing Trump’s ass? Not this guy, so “let me die in my footsteps…” For real, if kissing Trump’s asshole was the only cure available for this pandemic’s reach, give me the Pearly Gate. One thing for sure, if the death rate for mankind is governed by the traffic jam at the gate, when Trump gets there it will be like immortality life everlasting for the rest of us still breathing, as with all his excuses in life and blaming others for everything under the umbrella in “failure” it will be a long time before traffic begins to flow again, so yes we may reach that life everlasting dream - and without Trump! And yes, Morons are allowed life after in Heaven. But this “pandemic” is no doubt a man-made disaster. NO, not due the fact that Trump’s  “flu pandemic” expert Alex Azar was aware of this “madman” coming down the pike and “chicken little” found distemper fouling his already Moron limited edition memory so forgot about it, but something out-of-the-ordinary “triggered” this madman from across the water. It is not how Nature is governed or greeted, and no God would allow such a devastating and deliberating attack on humanity - so we are our own worst enemy as this is our own home-grown doing. It has to be one of our own in mischief, like illegitimate kids no-one wants to inherit and thus become a ward of the state. Look, we were not prepared, but that is not the enemy just the afterbirth as we let down our guard. I am convinced that something weakened our immune system deficient, and allowed this COVID Armageddon to be born again - as some scientists believe it has been around the block but this time a little smarter and looks like here to stay, yes learning from its last inning mistakes. But this time around, a little help from a friend. Now one scientist has thrown out a “possible” and “plausible” ways and means idea to slow this Apocalypse down, just infect everyone with a lessor known “flu” variation. Interesting, as maybe squatter’s rights will work and tell the COVID to find another homeless shelter. Could work, but a flu is a flu and we only have so much “sick time” so instead why not look for the root cause? This is not a normal course of events, the way Mr. COVID hit so hard and still confusing the medical establishment so out-of-bounds still any solution, said again something went wrong and is getting in the way of normalcy - on a world-wide scale in magnitude mind boggling. So, throw the damn hocus-pocus “statistics” down the drain and concentrate, yes let the scientific community concentrate and soon…damn cell phone ruined that concentration as I was almost there! Hey, wowie zowie Anthony’s Weiner, there’s the damn answer right there at attention front and center of attraction some pervert texting nothing of importance. I’m talking once again Bob Dylan’s Dream as it is bombs away, we are under attack, maybe instead of that “bad” dream more in tune to “Talkin’ World War III Blues”. OK let me make it so easy to understand, just turn on your laptop or that old desktop flat-top and “joo joo eyeball” glance of just how many “private wi-fi hotspots” are within reach. I see 26 looking my way, with at least 3-bars of radiation energy! No, even though so close, you cannot breach another’s domain pleasure palace, as those individual “links” are security protected by “must be 8 to 16 characters in length and must contain a number and symbol and at least one capital”, that’s it but all the time as you sit there in “couch potatoe” mode mood, you are being bombarded every which way but loose stools! Case in point: A service worker in a non-essential role model as a construction supervisor for Melania “Klaus Fuchs” Trump’s new White House tennis court was furloughed, due the COVID, so un-employment the only possible source of income. And this individual in desperation had to hang on hold her smart phone for, drum roll please…8-hours and 48-minutes! All the time, radiated by cell phone waves head to toe. Look, the COVID-19 “reach map” published by John Hopkins, it looks no different then the 5G network that links us up Scotty, sea to shining sea. This surrounding something, Nature never considered nor conceived such a monster, so it is a breach of tranquility and instead inviting more and more “Rests in Peace”. See, with 5G, we are surrounded 360-degrees 24/7 even while we sleep, the latter pillow box time once-upon-a-time so reserved when our bodies used that time-out to repair our body’s defense mechanisms to combat more “viral” - that “fix” is not happening when all the time aroused by Ma Bell. So our immunity suffers, as our bodies are smart enough to change whatever must be changed to accommodate the constant bombardment and therein the problem - our own bodies addressing the “cell phone wi-fi radiation” on constant “streaming” and along comes Mr. COVID, a well-respected man about town now as he holds the keys to the city of brotherly love, a new man with a new “mission”! Like the “Door is Open, come on in”. As this COVID went around the block, especially if science is finding out that it has been around, it redesigns itself to accommodate a breach down the beaten path. At the same time, our own defense mechanisms also in “flux”, changing due to our very own bad habits. And finally, there comes a marriage, a “union” and here we are, dying in the streets. It is the perfect storm, as we did not heed the WARNINGS from a few experts that focused in on the changes that constant bombardment by “cell phone radiation” could and would produce, thus resulting in compromise our very own immune system. And what really gets me bloke goat, as soon as this pandemic hit “hard aground” in the states, the cell phone hobby lobby jumped ahead of the scene of the crime, like in trying to be a Good Samaritan in how important it was to keep the network up and running. Like in making sure there would never ever come a disruption in service which amounts to a disruption in profits, as everybody was being sent home to be bombed some more, and now the science community is forced to find a cure - good luck. And IMAGINE if we were told to shut down our gospels, we would go mad! But maybe if we had some sense, that those cell phone towers disguised as trees are bad business, they would be turned off and maybe then we could at least make a determination as to how this bombardment has or has not contributed to the onslaught of this “pandemic” of the century. What do we have to loose, except “connectivity” and today it is an addiction, worldwide, and hard to break so I doubt if we will ever get to the root cause and instead find some lame excuse to inject foreign matter into our blood stream, when that can only act as a facade to the real problem at hand, a man-made Armageddon. We are too damn weak to understand…we can’t stand the Truth! The Sad Sack fact of the matter, as each day goes bye, we are even more and more “hooked” to this hi-tech Smart Alec weapon, as even those on their dying bed because of Mr. COVID’s interference, they are only allowed to see their loved ones through the same damn problem that got us here in the first place. And when we are all almost dead, some idiot will still be sending out “text messages” asking “Can You hear Me Now” and continuing to wreck-havoc on civilization! And about the only response will be from some Fucking Moron or ass kissing minion minnow that thought…we can only blame ourselves this mess we are in today. But as long as I am “connected”, I am “secure in their person” because I know what is going on all around me as this “cell phone” protects me in that Constitutional right, all is well keep on “radiating”! Just look around you, as today Americans are walking around with “Fruit of the Loom” underwear as face masks to protect our sanity, God help us!

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