Thursday, April 2, 2020

COVID Vaccine????

Rewind in Time: The Vietnam War sent 58200 young American soldiers to that “graveside” memorial, where moms and dads and sisters with brothers mourned the scorn of losing a loved one. If Donald Trump had not found an excuse to boycott the “draft” and instead stood up like a man to defend his country during that conflict, well that death toll would have been a whole lot higher - in the way he thinks and manages things an attitude that succumbs to a “Sympathy for the Devil“ and that could place compromise before honor thy duty then in harm’s way. So it was probably “best” he found an excuse to run away from the Vietnam deployment - through “Peyronie bone spurs”. And today he is Commander-in-Chief? WTF WTF WTF the “faceless elector” seems to be a Constitutional lost cause, as those electors practiced “Treason” to place this Moron in charge! And this is wherein I “opine” that there will not come an easy-street overnight vaccine that will alleviate this COVID-Covfefeavirus, as this time around it may be a different set of circumstances to contend with - so don’t add insult to injury. That is what I mean by Donald Trump, had he accepted an assignment “in theater” along the Ho Chi Minh trail of tears, the “Moronism” by which he dictates a fantasy in “brilliance” to hijack the reality of life, well he never grew up and was forever sheltered by Old Man Trump and never learned the rules of the road. Yes, had he downed those military fatigues and it meant “boots on the ground” with the 1st Infantry Division of the United States ARMY, the collateral damage from his “Moronism” during an Operation Rolling Stone would have been devastating. He would have caused more American kids to be killed in battle! Look, like already mentioned he is the Commander-in-Chief and his “Moronism” is killing people left and right, today as we debate the merits of a “Moron” at the helm during such trying times. I fear, I fear that if what we see and hear coming from his Moron administration on a daily basis, we are screwed - even if by a miracle there is a cure for the COVID like right now as his action in inaction will promote un-necessary collateral damage, sparing not women and children. But there may not be a “near” cure, as this COVID-19 is “bad business” because of possible underlying unknowns, as it appears our very own body armor is complementing the success of this menace. And if that be the case, sayonara good night Irene any viable vaccine option soon, as it will take more time this time around. Yes, something in our own combat ready mechanism is interfering, like inviting this menace aboard instead of shying it away and the reason it is so “mad” like, overwhelming and widespread its grip upon civilization on a global scale. That is what happens when you invite in a guest that is in reality a wreck-it-Ralph, nice with the smile but terrible bed side manners. And this is not how nature is designed nor how we were designed else we would have perished a long time ago and never made it to the hi-teach realization, something has gone terribly wrong and we must begin to look to the “why for” before a viable remedy can be found and safely administered to destroy this menace amongst us. This is different, said again, something is interfering and complementing the severity of what would have been just another routine in normal virus season as through time and evolution our body learns, but this COVID-19 held a structure, not superior, that responded to a receptor’s invite and here we are today as that invite allowed all hell to break loose. And that is wherein the problem exists with a routine like vaccine, as it is our very own combat mechanism that is getting in the way and that complicates things drastically something we have never had to deal with before. It makes the normal course of events in developing and applying a “fighting chance” different, in more time to test meaning more time to evaluate adverse side-effects and thus much more time to deploy to the masses. So, one may ask with confidence, is there a common-denominator that is cause for concern that which is the culprit in this self-motivated fascination to invite in a destructive mechanism, like we are all tuned into a hari-kari culture? Yes there is “Read All About It”, and that commonality is the fact that “cell phone radiation” has taken its toll on our survival, an addiction that has become our own worst enemy of the people. It is a two-fold menace and today out-of-control due the fact we are surrounded by this “wave” in innocence, and the outcome of being bombarded day-in day-out even as we sleep, it has transformed the human’s normal blood structure into one that is asphyxiated from normalcy and intoxicated with flirting and here comes the COVID to the rescue. This virus is trying to rescue us, due the fact our blood has been transfused by this “cell phone radiation” to the brink of…it’s wrong. The World’s population is 7.8-billion. The Cell Phone population estimated at 6.5-billion, as even homeless people enjoy the merits of being linked up. It’s everywhere can’t get away from it and it is causing our combat mechanisms to “tilt”. And there is the possibility that due the surrounding “radiating waves”, that the natural frequency has been achieved and thus exists as a self-supporting self-propagating canopy like domain that surrounds the earth, and that in where the 2nd side effect finds credibility. It can act as a “canopy”, to bounce away into outer space the sun’s rays used to combat the life expectancy of an airborne virus, thus complicating matters some more. This is nature at work, we would surmise on a crash course thinking it is doing good when it is just the opposite - the Mobius Strip challenge and 360-degrees in-phase but on an entirely different page or out of sync. So science has its work cut out, so does the cell phone industry because when it is all said and done the lawsuits fly it will be like another virus taking down the lobby that put the world through the worst man-made pandemic in history. What can we do, shut off that phone and power it up but for maybe an hour each day, or in an emergency. And ask yourself this, is “Twitter Time” 24/7 worth it in enterpainment?

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