Thursday, April 2, 2020

COVID-19 $Pirate$ Booty

Many in the know believe Donald Trump is a failed businessman, as is his son-in-law and like a virus in pandemic this failure is probably widespread within the Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty. Maybe such failure through poor planning or risky investments, hard to say, as many individuals have been taken down in greed. If this were not so with Trump, he would have already shown us his tax returns as why not “show & brag” financial success like most proclaim with proof when at the top and in that $billionaires$ clubhouse. And if so Trump a success, where in hell is any humanitarian “Family” foundation like we see with Bill Gates and others that we know have really made it to the top in the $billionaire$ class of their own. But there is always hope for the Donald as in “Please God, give me one more oil boom. This time I promise not to piss it away”, a famed bumper sticker following the construction days of the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline, when many ditch diggers were pulling in huge paychecks then when oil started flowing people realized they should have saved for that rainy day. Well, that “noth’r oil boom” never came to be yet that doesn’t mean an end to that “golden handshake” dream just time to diversify. Wow, so some American “broker” invested $1-million to purchase medical PPE when the rumor spread from sea to shining sea that this COVID was about to hit landfall here in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” - when it would require all able bodied Americans to lend a helping hand. My landlady raised the rent, I told her to get fucked and shit in her MAGA hat. See now, the U.S. Congress gets a heads up on things of national security interest, which allows a dissection upon financial risks and “the sky is falling” so sell or in some instances “buy” today until tomorrow! So this “broker” now in possession of critical PPE that went soon into short supply, he could just not hoard it until such time it was needed and then rape a huge windfall profit, as we have laws against such statutory rape. Yes, laws which prevent pirateering when in a State-of-Emergency - wherein most states have enacted “strict” laws that curtail any price tag gouging over 10% of the original sales price with violators facing fines and misdemeanor jail time up to 5-years behind bars. So even though Mr. MAGA could have held out and then shown his Un-Patriotism and sold his booty for the maximum additional profits allowed under the sovereign state laws, like a return-on-investment of $100k, well unfortunately for Miss Liberty during such times the investment crookedness finds a ways and means around the lawman’s cuffs. Now Mr. MAGA made the investment then hired a plane to fly the PPE goods to China, as that was a good excuse “hideaway” because that nation was in dire straits with the onslaught of the COVID outbreak. Which means on the surface it all looked good! Now remember, Mr. MAGA received a “hunch punch” from someone, that this virus was soon to be everywhere including “This land is your land this land is my land” under siege today. But that plane loaded with $1-million in medical PPE, it was not on a “humanitarian mission”, but sent to China to be warehoused as Mr. MAGA understood that some day soon that stuff would be in high demand back in the states - so he was doing his Patriotic duty to hold this stuff in confinement just incase…NOT so. Timeline wise, this was also during the stage that the “pandemic” in China was on the slow, so the PPE was not needed in Xi land but was now needed badly in the United States of America. Just when state governors were denied PPE by the Trumpster Treason Dumpster, so they had to go outside to foreign “brokers” and compete for the critical medical personal protective equipment at a price tag staggering. That $1-million dollar investment amounted to a “double jeopardy” profit margin and get this, the brokerage firm did not pay for the plane trip home this once home grown PPE as the New England Patriot’s team plane was volunteered by the Kraft conglomerate to haul this stuff back to its origin wherein it was needed NOW! Here is my “opine” what is going on deep down inside the cesspool of the 1%ers in greed the prescription for this “pandemic”. This COVID is something the Trump cannot “fix” as Michael Cohen is still incarcerated. So with that said, why not take advantage of the situation and make a buck here and a buck there, no one is looking we are all busy dying. And I have my thoughts on my fellow man and have not bothered to fascinate myself on how my investment portfolio is struggling, unlike the Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty as the only thing on that pirate ship’s agenda today is investing in “body bags”. And let’s hope that opportunity is a self-deserving prophesy investment for these statutory rape artists. Please tease one more thing before moving on, no doubt this “pandemic” will make Donald’s estate a $billionaire$ and then he will finally find a smile his dream comes true. Yes wealth, condoned by the stench of "Death"!

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