Thursday, April 23, 2020

Blood Clots for DUMMIES 101

NUTSHELL(aka preamble, citation): We are now in day 101 of “chaos” with this COVID-19 “pandemic”. And by “chaos”, the fact that all the great minds still confused what it all means and still taking us down a dead-end street. The recovery is thus still out-of-focus. Yet there is a common-denominator surfacing, as it appears that the human population had already been under duress, with respect to our immune systems that would normally be called into play to defend against such a “simple” threaded threatening virus. That common-denominator? Today we live under an invisible yet invincible “canopy” resonating in inbound and outbound energy from hi-tech radiation bombardment(cell phones, Wi-Fi, Blue-tooth and yes Alexa). Even though it can be argued our “must have” devices work in a “low energy” spectrum, it is the “coexistence” phenomenon that is of interest. And all-inclusive this canopy’s “global domain”, as even the “Rainforest” dwellers rely on this modern-age technology. Though scientific medical studies suggest no “health wise issue” in interference from that radiation due its inherent ”thermal effects”, the few studies on the “non-thermal” side effects indicate that the human blood cells can be compromised - the “heat’s on” in a different way! Thus our immune systems also in compromise and exploited by foreigners - another “coexistence” relationship. Our blood was not designed to be under constant disruption by this “canopy” and enemy invitations. Is it time we mandate a limit to our addiction, this constant “connectivity”? The blood is resilient, accommodating a refresh back to normal after sustaining these “non-thermal side effects”, through rest periods which may be essential for getting back to normalcy following this COVID-19 event. This is not a treatise of any sought trying to sway an “opine” that this hi-tech fascination is a bad thing, as we can have our cake and eat it too, with limitations to protect our health.
Alarming rates of blood clotting? It appears that Mr. COVID is a “shape-shifter”, so a name change fits the fashion show now redubbed the CovidODO. In reference to “ODO” the shape-shifter from Star-Trek fame. And yes “fashion show”, as in the White House’s expert Doctor Deborah Scarves”R”us Birx and her Bowling Green sewing machine “I’m uncertain I’m certain” enemanemic excuses along with her side-kick Doctor Fauci, and following a kick in the groin by the Fucking Moron, the Mr. Hyde side of the partnership continues to repeat after me “I’m certain I’m uncertain” the podium preamble. And as Mr. Uncertain likes to use the word “heterogenous” when tied to the whipping post, in reference to Mrs. Scarves”R”us, Donald Dotard always smiles thinking he heard Mr. MD call the Moron “heterogenius! It looks and sounds like a Task Force under-the-influence of distemper. And not to forget Trump’s backtracking maggot the CDC canker-sore boss! Wow, now that Scarves”R”us and her “Models” this “pandemic” so far out of whack, well can’t dazzle with brilliance anymore so baffle with bullshit with another fancy word - the ALGORITHM! Hey, that’s it! A different scarf a day keeps the TRUTH in barf away…Wow, off on a tangent back to the “Blood on the tracks”. Sad, that once upon a time Budokan was used for a Boy Dylan venue and today a temporary morgue for COVID victims. Over 180-thousand have died in their footsteps, yet nobody has a clue the “root cause” and what good is a wish for a vaccine? And with that chameleon quality in character this shape-shifting virus, equipped with the audacity and austerity to change its behavior once onboard that foreign vessel - US humans! Now that may be the reason this Simple Simon “virus” is causing medical science a headache in search of any “fast and furious” cure all. AMAZING, that the wealthy will be first in-line when Marie Curie shows up, careful could be Hari Cari! And this concept for a REIMAGINE, with Governor Cuomo bless his steadfast Patriotism to attack those in Treason like Mitch McConnell, look we failed to embrace John Lennon’s first IMAGINE and the reason “woman is the Nigger of the world” still today. Look, science and politics smells. Now this “blood clotting” side effect of Mr. CovidODO it kills and insists a pandemic onto itself so graciously unforgiving.  Yet this “clotting” is what happens when the “shape-shifting” finds reasonable resemblance in an individual’s blood cell “state of shape”, as our blood has been thrown a curve ball even before Mr. CovidODO appeared on the scene as a rudimentary virus not wanting a viral notoriety - it was assisted to fame that “coexistence” hurts hard. The paramount reason that a person thought to have an uncompromised immune system and healthy with no known underlying lies, suddenly contracts the COVID, and all of a sudden the blood turns to molasses? This virus is the “Dirty Dozen”, because our very own guts are assisting its survival the reason there are so many different outcomes the victims. Get with it, the COVID and the subsequent “blood clotting” seen in 25% of the patients and many youngsters through middle-aged victims, it has an accomplice. Called the side effects of “non-thermal” energy bombardment from way too much interest in “Cell Phone Radiation”. And from a medical study performed on the effect of this infusion intrusion, guess what? Yes the morphology of ODO like blood cell “shape-shifting”, as the incoming attribute in innocence of the COVID allows it to reshape and conform to its victim’s very own “blood cell identity”, the ultimate “Mobius Strip” hijacking and then the blood’s viscosity changes, as not all those shapes are “blood cells” but the CovidODO and that change in viscosity…it causes blood clotting. One thing I realized following the wreck of the Valdez EXXON, within 1-msec after “wreck” it was all after-the-fact finger pointing and only a few went back in time to gain an understanding of the real “root cause”, the reason Captain Joe Hazelwood and EXXON got off the hook - in time heals even after the book was thrown at both criminals. But overtime, there was not enough evidence to incite a fine for this crime, the reason being the focus was on the wrong damn character witness, and we never got the truth. Same with the COVID so far in understanding, like boiling water it makes coffee only out of chaos. Yes, there are studies upon the “non-thermal” effects of being surrounded by “gizmos”, side effects more often than not out-of-sight and out-of-mind as our oversight is usually in the direct “effects” we miss the train leaving the station in opportunity. Those studies on the “non-thermal” encourage a theory that the radiation has a tendency to re-shape blood cells, from healthy to something in between. Which means during the transition from being bombarded by Ma Bell on steroids, our immune system suffers with consequences that vulnerability is exploited. And then comes this shape-shifting virus that can change to make itself look just like all the rest, and that varies from individual to individual based on how that in-coming radiation affects the blood re-shaping, based on our own DNA recipe. And this chameleon hijacking, the reason Rue Morgue Avenue sea to shining sea is bumper to bumper with Mr. Hurst, filled to capacity with dead corpses and what makes it worse off? Let’s stay at home and get more of that radiation, as the sicker we are - somebody somewhere is making a buck! So here it is, have it your way. To GOOGLE or not to GOOGLE?

The Study of 2014:
Does Short-term Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation Affect the Blood? It is probable that the blood changes that we observed would affect blood circulation. RBC aggregation has been widely studied, and its importance is well established in the microcirculation. RBCs that are stuck together in rouleaux or other aggregates increase the blood viscosity, and this affects the passage of RBC through the microvessels throughout the body. RBC shape and deformability are also relevant to blood flow. The typical round disk shape of normal RBCs is considered optimum for blood flow. The shape of the echinocytes might impair blood flow, and oxygen release from echinocytes is known to be impaired.

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