Sunday, April 12, 2020

Anarchy Easter - Oh Happy Day

Should we be bracing ourselves for “Anarchy”? Maybe so, just remember one thing “the meek shall inherit the earth”. But for sure, one thing this Armageddon Apocalypse Now “all-in-one” in pandemic has so far taught us, finally we realize the Pope is a FAKE as is every other damn “Fake Oil Preacher” of the Lord. In all their power and might, they could not prove anything worthwhile this “systemic pandemic” except stay “Open for Business” even during an almost nation-wide lockdown - because when no one shows up for that Easter Sunday, the coffers go dry. All the Pope could do is offer condolences and a prayer on Easter Sunday then go off into his catacomb to feast on spiral ham and hot-cross buns? I thought this guy was seated at the right hand of the Father? I would say that all church goers that went hoodwinked after all these years and made “church” donations, time to call a lawyer and get that $loot$ back as this pandemic is already considered “An Act of God” by legal scholars so that “contributory negligence”…cha-ching! And if the Pope and the Preacher’s posse reneged, that is first class “Fraud”. OK, there is a statute of limitations for only 2-years back pay - but that will be more then what Uncle Sam is offering up as penance - as a fine that the Fucking Moron forgot about what his advisors were telling him about this death grip storm heading our way. Of course the Moron was warned of this “pandemic” but more important things to contend with, like making sure the First Lady Melanomia Klaus Fuchs White House “Tennis Courts” were being built on schedule and way over budget with approval. Easter Sunday was supposed to be the ribbon-cutting ceremony her private parts sport’s complex and then the entire Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty would huddle into Donald’s very own catacomb - the fromunder smelling Awful Office - and feast on spiral ham and hot-cross buns. Amazing, that today more Americans will go without that traditional Easter Sunday meal then lies told by the Moron over the course of his “sworn to duty” delinquency. Talk about any “statute of limitations”, that “Bone Spur” draft deferment the Moron received back in the 70s, how come he keeps on using it? I mean does it specify dereliction in duty to serve as the Commander-in-Chief also? But there is no way today that “Anarchy on the Rise” is another out-of-site and out-of-mind consideration and it may be orchestrated by our very own members of Congress. See, Anarchy brings Martial Law, and I have reason to believe there exists members in Congress that are hopeful things will get out of hand a state’s control and force Donald Trump to declare bankruptcy. I am talking the likes of the Devon “Cowpie Breath” Nunes and Matt “Brat” Gaetz Brigade, wherein members of the 116th Congress are “Under the influence of Treason” inbreeding orchestrated by Don Young of Alaska, wherein this Maggot of the Moron called this “pandemic” a “Beer Virus”.  He’s an old fart, and lost the battle with the Rabid Skunk - who, what, where and why? Nancy Pelosi, because if Trump takes a spiral-ham turd and overflows his cesspool and Mr. Clean can’t breath, well Nanny Nancy is the “Acting” Commander-in-Chief. Let’s pray for dysentery diarrhea after today’s tennis match at the White House. For real, with seventeen “person of interest” in the line-up with respect to the Presidential line of Succession Act, all but “one” is a Republican. And Nancy is 2nd to none! So if Pence swallows a Trump “turd on the run” we could be singing “Hail to the Chief Lady” and for sure this would arouse the Republican Femdom Freedom caucus to drum-beat “Anarchy”. But herein is why I bring up this “Anarchy”. A leading parliamentarian from the UK is of record that data from his US counterparts adamant that this COVID is soon to enter a 2nd wave, followed by a 3rd wave. Now such “waves” are usually less severe, so when such will take place is still anybody’s guess, as is the impact on getting back to some semblance of “normalcy”. And I guess that “normalcy” is straightforward, when there is no longer a “Toilet Paper” shortage pandemic neither a shortage of “spiral hams” at Sam’s! So, are we being placated the truth by Trump’s “COVID-19 Task Force” as a ways and means to comfort away panic, or is there an ulterior modus operandi with Doctor Birx’s scarves? Now the saving grace to remedy this “pandemic” is a “vaccine”, by August hopefully and not just wishful thinking. But the challenge remains, and it doesn’t appear we are getting the entire “Truth in Leading” statement, from Trump’s bail-bondsman Mike Pence. See, just the other day one of Trump’s Turd banhe-banshees stated that the U.S. is “in the ballpark” with “Test Kits” for accessing the citizens for a “certificate of freedom” those already done with or without the COVID, as the Moron wants Mar-a-Lago reopened by May 1st. See, with a high-powered telescope at the remote “Awful Office”, the Moron can scan the beaches for Russian spies in bikinis.  But talk about double-talk, as in the “ballpark” is a prank. And that is wherein the definition of Anarchy is rooted - as even with a virus “fix” it takes a whole lot of time to test for approval then manufacture then distribute and then pinch everyone. IMAGINE the lines, and still maintaining that 6-feet of clearance in “double-wide blues”! So it works like this. Right now as the wealthy hide away in their Hampton catacombs feasting on spiral ham and hot-cross buns, the salt of the earth this “1-Ply Nation” continues to work and act as guinea pigs this “pandemic”. Then when finally there is a COVID-19 cure without risk, the Trump government is already in determination how it will be distributed - remember Trump is just a “backdrop” for the states and will use that dereliction to cause havoc amongst the states, wherein the governor does not kiss his asshole clean. For real, those Republicans that surround this asshole, they must like eating shit over spiral ham! If you don’t think Florida followed by Texas will get the first supply in “I’m fix’n to die rag”, then you have spiral hammed out of control. They are practicing the avenue march to “Anarchy” as that was the other “Christ’s” dream. I am talking Fred Christ Trump, or “Old Man Trump” as Woody Guthrie called the Fascist father of Donald. Look, anybody that thinks it will work differently in civility, just re-watch “Atlantis - the Lost Continent” or “Portnoy’s Complaint” or if a Mitch McConnell fan, “Deliverance”. Better yet, listen to the subliminal message in Woody’s songs. It means the wealthy will be first in line after it is determined the cure is safe and sound, preferential treatment that will be tied to accommodating…well it is Fascism and only “Anarchy” will destroy the filth of the real live pandemic sitting in the White House - as “We the People” are the “meek” and maybe this COVID was a calling from on high, that went dissatisfied on how the “wealth” has raped the humane civility of humanity. So I hope the Pig Sty enjoy that spiral-ham, as the fact of the matter “normalcy” will be much different when it is all said and done with as “We the People Patriotic” must start today to embrace a Woody Guthrie “Spirit”. Happy Easter and Oh Happy Day! When Jesus washed - when Jesus washed - he washed Trump’s filth away!

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