Monday, March 30, 2020

Weaponized COVID-19?

Each and every day gone bye, bye since the Coronavirus began in earnest to wreck-havoc in tranquility on a global scale, the ways and means it has attacked humans is far from a naturally occurring phenomenon! We could not be this so ill-prepared and nature is not that cruel, even though the legal-sleaze are already singing the $$$cha-ching$$$ along song, saying it is an “Act of God” so sue thee. Not much is being said about this “pandemic” phenomenon in origin, as all are too busy just trying to stay ahead of this pandemic - in a “don’t think twice it's alright ma I’m only bleeding let me forget about today until tomorrow”. Which means through process of elimination, a man-made atrocity that was originally designed as a modern-day biological weapon that takes advantage of our “habits” in addiction. See, someone out there was in realization that “cell phone radiation” was causing a “much to do about nothing” outside like interference side-effect, with the outcome a make-shift like “blood transfusion” confusing but nothing to worry about. And the result of this outside interference in radiation bombardment, by not only your own cell mate, but ridicule from every damn device in proximity your GPS position, well normal healthy “blood cells” taking on the “spiny” attribute as a defense. Medically speaking, a.k.a. the “sea urchin” or “hedgehog” configuration. Which then finds a natural affinity attraction-attachment towards foreign objects with like “spines”, welcome aboard the COVID-19. Normal healthy blood cells have been naturally weaponized, to give shelter from the storm. But when “radiated” because we need to be “Twitter Dumb and Twitter Dumber” with “We all Tweet in a Twitter submarine”, well what a perfect weapon as we are addicted to being “connected” 24/7. So even while sound asleep, if that “cell” is powered up sitting harmlessly on that nightstand then linked up in a “wireless” insomnia mood, this effect is bombarding those once protective “blood cells”. The reaction finds change, the normal process. With 7-billion cells phones and as many humans, we have shit in our bed - maybe our own death-bed! For the most part, it is not a problem as our human body in mechanism is pretty robust - and only when someone wants to cause a problem does that overwhelm things. So who would do this? What is hell is the Kim Jong bUNghole messing with these days? This is not an accident, this was a premeditated design of a “weapon” by an evil Moron, that somehow got outside its intended audience - at least I hope it was a mistake. But this could have been something produced at home by a lone ranger like Ted Kaczynski - that used his or her own cradle of civilization to develop this menace. A design that also maintained a logarithmic “shed factor” and once it was armed and distributed? And when and if we get over this, the “World” must investigate how this COVID got out of control - but if we find out that is was possible to lab rat grow a “virus” that can take advantage of our addiction to being connected, do you think our leaders would ever enact legislation that limits how we destroy ourselves so we then become vulnerable to outside interference attacks - like limiting that addiction? No, as it was already well known by the FDA that refused to warn us about the destruction, by not lowering the radiation limits because - well the “cell phone lobby” doesn’t give a rat’s ass! The bottom line, this COVID is a “designer virus” that was purposely provided with the mechanism to take advantage of our addictions and how the latter has redefined the health of our “blood cells”, then take advantage of the weakness. In the sentiment that we are our own worst enemy - just add a little help from a friend and - it’s here to stay now what!

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