Monday, March 2, 2020

The EXXON Valdez - Root Cause

On the Eve of Destruction - The EXXON Valdez “Wreck” Remembered
Soon upon us once again that March 24th “horror scene” and this time around commemorating the 31st anniversary of that historic wreck - how time flies! All is not yet well, as the destructive habit of stubborn and weathered oil lingers on like a forever death-grip for Prince William Sound, what have we learned? As when it was all said and done with in the “Courts” upon sentencing during the “Wreck’s” aftermath blame game, the EXXON $fines$ and Captain Joe’s bar time, all reduced to a slap on the wrist. Maybe so we learned nothing, yes nothing so is it time for a rewind, say from 1989 backwards to 1979? As surely there has to be a “someone” or “something” to blame - it was not an accident so that “something” doesn’t count. And that leaves us with that “someone”, yet Joe was let go with an almost “free & clear” penance. Hear Ye, Hear Ye will the guilty “someone” please step up to the plate!
Due my affiliation with the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company during that “event” of a lifetime, well the “Eve of Destruction” that unprecedented “wreck” crashing a fully laden tanker into a well-known “reef” located in a pristine marine ecosystem, it started long before Joe radioed in that he was “hard aground and leaking some oil”. And poor old Captain Joe Hazelwood, well he did apologize, with a Simple Simon remorse of “I abuse alcohol”. And the Mighty EXXON did also offer up an apology through an action, as it sold the “wreck” to China and that heap of scrap was renamed the Nicety! What’s up with that? But that “Eve of Destruction”, for those of us in the know it was in reality on the day before that this “Wreck” found historic and worldwide fame, wherein it all began. When just before midnight a Yellow Cab “Taxi” pulled up to the Alyeska “Marine Terminal” Security with a boatload of binge drinking seamen no longer able-bodied, out and about enjoying “bar tab” furlough freedom as that tanker went filled to the brim with “crude oil”. But that was not unusual for the Alyeska “contracted” Security detail to turn a blind eye, as even if “Under-the-Influence” this slipping through that “watch” it was condoned by the Alyeska Management - as moving oil at any expense was the goal. And it was not that these “can’t walk a straight line” seamen were driving a car, well welcome home now climb aboard that tanker and sail it through the “Sound”. OK, but that night before on that “Eve of Destruction”, it does not do justice either as one must go back even further in time to make a determination who was the ultimate “someone” at blame that allowed this “Wreck” to occur. Yes, read on and find out the fuse and who lit that fuse for that destruction, as it should have been and could have been avoided so easily. Matter in fact, we came so close to STOPPING this abuse. Unfortunately, our efforts sidetracked by overzealous jealousy from within the Alyeska “Management” ranks, that we didn’t trust them while we enjoined “Solidarity” our distrust. Look, we could not take away Joe’s keys, but we bargained for the power to restrict that “furlough” as a solution, yet the Alyeska Management balked and the outcome of that stubborn like behavior is well known - “Hard Aground”!
It all started in 1979, when a small fraction of the Alyeska workforce in Valdez decided to hold an election for “organized labor” representation. It was a unanimous decision in favor of a “UNION”, with 22-YEA verses 5-NEY in the final “vote” tally. It meant a small faction, a fraction of the 200-head count workforce at the “END” of the 800-mile long Trans-Alaska-Pipeline now entertaining being under the umbrella of a “collective bargaining unit”. This came about when Jimmy Carter was still the sitting U.S. President, an all important fact based on the fact that to hold such an election it must be sanctioned by the National Labor Relations Board “chaired” by the President’s appointees, those that find an affection for the Commander’s political agenda. A time when the “Union” found a whole lot of breathing room. So it was a done deal, the “vote” in favor of a “UNION” and soon certified by the NLRB as “official” and “We’re In” we saluted!
Now this “organized bargaining” was one of those things that did not have an invite through that Alyeska “OPEN DOOR” Policy and Alyeska decided to “object” to the fact that a “UNION” was now standing in that doorway and wanting in on the action. And interesting enough, that “objection” was overruled in a “supplemental decision” by the NLRB “Regional Director”, that the objection was merely a take-down on how the bargaining unit bosses “boast” upon the benefit of a “UNION”, also known as “puffing” and a very common denominator tool used to entice “organized labor” at the worksite. It basically means “zero” interference upon a worker’s rights and it meant the UNION was here to stay time to arrest the drunks. What does that mean? OK, the interest in a “UNION” was not due to the lack of a livable wage nor the work conditions second to none, but out of a growing suspicion that the Alyeska “Management” from far and away in Fairbanks and Anchorage was derelict in its duties to make sure the Alaskan oil trade was performed with emphasis on safety, including environmental concerns addressed. And some of us working the Valdez detail, we had enough of the drunks and when the management failed to acknowledge that a 210000 DWT tanker filled to the brim with “crude oil” and driven “Under-the-Influence”, well not a very bright idea. But the sentiment from management, “boys will be boys” as moving oil was their only concern. The abuse in inebriation of the tanker crews on furlough, it was well known about, but for a handful in Alyeska’s executive rank and file, it seemed they just did not care. With a “UNION”, we had more clout to make sure our concerns were addressed and if push comes to shove, a work “slowdown” by this small faction now “represented” by outside interference - it gets the point across. The small faction that was now under that “UNION”, it meant the “Instrumentation & Electrical” crew now front and center of attention with newfound “power”. And without our expertise, tankers were dead in the water as was the entire system in Valdez derailed and that meant curtailment of the “Pipeline” now delivering 20% of the nation’s energy needs. We were now on the forefront to yield a power that could send shivers up the spine of “Big Oil” and restrict that lucrative Alaskan “oil trade” to a halt. And that said, all we were asking for is for the “Management” to get rid of the “drunks”. It was a simple solution. But Alyeska then asked for a review of the “supplemental decision” that found in favor of a “UNION” over the objection and the original decision in objection that the “voice of the workers” through that NLRB sanctioned vote desired that “UNION”. Which means the case landed on the bench of the NLRB “Chairman” but not scheduled on the docket until 1982, a long ways away for those Valdez workers to watch their backs and best carry that RIGID 818 to fend against those unruly tanker crews. For real, I had to resort to that “weapon” when a bunch of “drunks” returned from that “furlough” and demanded I give them a ride from the “Taxi Stand” to their awaiting tanker’s gangplank. I refused in “solidarity” and raised that RIGID in defiance! Now during this “objection” time-out, the “UNION” was placed in a holding pattern. Yes, Alyeska wanted that “Board” hearing not in a hurry, but wait until Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the 40th POTUS and then had enough time to seat his own kind on important “boards” like the NLRB. The entire process was time delayed in efforts to favor Alyeska’s stance, to fight off the “UNION”. And finally, when a John R. Van de Water was christened in the “Smith Seat” as Chairman of the NLRB, then it was time for Alyeska to play hardball with the Valdez workers saluting that “UNION”. Van de Water was known to be a flat-out UNION Buster, so during his Senate confirmation was strongly opposed by the labor organizations like the AFL-CIO. Matter of fact, that is what Van de Water did for a living, as a consultant with a lucrative career in anti-union campaigns to the point his track record, well in his testimony Mr. Union Buster admitted that he was involved in 125 successful campaigns to “block” union organizing, losing only 5 and calling on the losers to fight to undo what was done! And guess what, when the “Board” heard the Alyeska case, what was once considered “puff” stuff in 1979 was now considered a “fist inside a velvet glove” approach and the entire election was thrown out. What a difference a few years makes, puff to fists to the point the “Board” referred to the “Union” tactics as “evil”? Now the NLRB was smart, as it realized that on “appeal” that this “evil decision” based on a political calling card, it could find its way all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and of course the “Supremes” would have found that it was “puff”, nothing more and that election would have been stayed in favor of a “UNION”. But by calling for the direction of a “Second Election” some many months away and now years away from the original “vote”, it didn’t allow a request for intervention by the “High Court” and it gave Alyeska all the time in the world to unravel the definition of a “collective bargaining unit” by making changes on how business responsibilities went divided up at the Valdez “Marine Terminal”. Gone with the wind was the “Maintenance Group” as a whole, which means the “I&E” Technicians were divided up and spread around, all of us now classified as “Technicians” - which meant very hard to find a majority of all similarly situated technicians interested in a “UNION”. Look, an operator has no interest in the IBEW, as so a mechanic wants nothing to do with “electricity”. And it was the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers that the Valdez “I&E” won that first election promoting an affiliation with “organized labor”.  So conquer by dividing, as those that had spoken out against the drunk’d tanker crews, repositioned up the hill to the Power Vapor Group, and never again would there be any contact with the inebriated sailor boys in a retaliatory out-of-site out-of-mind mentality. It stunk, as we knew it was still going on unabated and many workers just too damn scared to speak up as by now the “threats” from Alyeska’s management center of attention. So we were toast, as that possibility of another successful election, it was never to happen and the EXXON Valdez made history. We were trying to STOP the bastards, and instead of Alyeska targeting that “boys will be boys” bull-crap, it was the “vocal UNION supporters” like myself that fell victim to this busting effort. This is what political “clout” finds as an advantage over the workers, as it takes but for a single individual to make this sensation from “puff to fists” and yielding the power to overthrow an election, the “will” of the workers! That person of interest, that “someone” to blame for that March 24th “wreck”? Look nowhere else, point a finger at that NLRB “Chairman” Van de Water.
And when Alyeska wasted precious resources to fend off the UNION, with the drunk tanker crews it meant more and more time to take advantage of the situation at hand at times totally out of control. See, it was easy to STOP the drunks, no lawyers required, maybe a few broken knuckles from our RIGID 818s! So Alyeska had the message, but “Killed the Messenger”.
With that NLRB “evil” ruling back in 1982 upon a valid election in 1979, by the Chairman “UNION” Buster, the “direction for a second election” would never materialize - not until 2004 wherein the United Steel Workers would make another attempt to “Unionize” the workforce in Valdez. Strange, as in the initial “objection” by Alyeska still out in force fighting any and all “organized labor” approaches, funny that the NLRB is of record that “the record reveals no evidence of bargaining history with this employer and any union”? What the furlough, is this our government at work with the taxpayers’ supplied funds for fun? Maybe I was seeing double, but I voted in an election with the IBEW, how there can no longer be a record, how about Case 19-RC-9016? But what really shows the success of Alyeska’s “Union Busting” now more then ever empowered by the Van de Water decision, when that election in 2004 was a success for the Valdez “collective bargaining unit” so defined, in “objection” Alyeska likewise threw that election under the bus of Democracy in consideration “workers’ rights”. By figuring out that Alyeska and the entire Trans-Alaska-Pipeline was by definition a “Public Utility” and thus not subject to the jurisdiction of the NLRB. This set a bad and sad precedence for our children’s future in any labor movement activity, as even slaves had a better chance at salvation then what is happening today for “Organized Labor”. Sad, when it was “organized labor” that built this pipeline while the “Union” members braved treacherous work conditions in extremes of cold, a project many experts said was an impossibility. Even sadder, when that the Red, White & Blue still flies from the flagpoles of Alyeska’s Bragaw Street “Headquarters” and at the “Marine Terminal”, as that is a sacrilege against everything American in “Labor”!
And herein is how Simple Simon it was to prevent that “Wreck”:
Rewind of 89: In 1979, the Valdez “I&E” bargained for “organized labor” representation, a unanimous overwhelming decision in favor of the “UNION” 22 to 5 in final tally of ballots. With that, Alyeska’s executive management under Frank Turpin grooming George M. Nelson, it was realized this choice was the voice of the “workers” and Alyeska did not appeal the “vote” outcome. With that, the NLRB stayed the election results as “certified” in favor of the “UNION”. Soon after, Alyeska’s management and the workers were in serious negotiations as to how this “Union” relationship would work to both parties advantage - a working together as Alyeska was known as a reputable organization in charge of operating the 800-mile long Trans-Alaska-Pipeline so essential for America’s energy stream independence. The biggest annoyance as to why the dedicated “I&E” workforce sought a UNION, the drunk tanker crews causing problems with the Valdez workers just trying to do their assigned jobs. Alyeska was quick to accommodate a “fix” to cover the Unionized workers concerns upon this “I abuse alcohol” syndrome and placed the “Causeways” between the tanker loading berths and Alyeska’s “Marine Terminal” property proper off limits to non-essential/non-Alyeska personnel. Essentially an easy justification eliminating that shore-side furlough for the tanker crews who in the past enjoyed time off in the town of Valdez and consuming way too much alcohol before sailing away with a boatload of “crude oil”. Without access upon the “Causeways”, that furlough was STOPPED and so was the binge drinking. Basically, from now on then the tanker crews restricted to the ship’s quarters, unless out of a medical necessity. All was good, Alyeska management and the UNION smiled in harmony and on March 24th, 1989 - it was just a normal day for the Alaskan oil trade business as usual with no unusual events. As by now tanker crews were minding their Ps&Qs and all was calm in Prince William Sound and “clear sailing” all the way to the high seas. Thanks to the “UNION” and Alyeska management working together to eliminate a potential nightmare, in a “Hard Aground” scenario a tanker hitting Bligh Reef because of “I abuse alcohol” as a root cause in negligence. Wow, “We’re In” and “Oil In” and “We Won” hurray for the State of Alaska and Alyeska and the UNION!
Yes, that simple!

...and THIS
From This...

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