Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sea Urchin Meets COVID-19

Could our addiction to “Beam me up, Scotty”, this fascination to be “smart” linked 24/7 every which way but loose hold promises to this COVID-19 pandemic no end in sight? A 2015 study on the state-of-change consistent with “human blood cell morphology” exposed to cell phone radiation went studied and found very interesting science. A concern everyone should take note. And could it be this cause and effect when “morphed” and the resulting “echinocytes” - that which resembles a “sea urchin” - that then acts as a “spikey cell” receptor to the “freeloading” COVID? That study concluded with the below listed highlights:

The Russians have conducted many studies on the non-thermal effects of microwaves, and as a result have adopted a more stringent guideline that is sixty to one hundred times lower than U.S. guidelines.

No formal studies examining the blood of humans exposed to cell phones have been found in the medical literature to date.

Nine out of ten test subjects showed observable blood changes due to cell phone radiation exposure.

Such blood morphologies --red blood cell clumping and misshapen cells-- are frequently observed in ill persons.

“Results show substantial changes in the blood from short-term cell phone radiation exposure in nine out of ten human subjects. RBC aggregation and stickiness were mainly observed following 45 minutes of exposure to a smart phone in receiving mode worn by subjects in a backpack. By contrast, RBC morphological (shape) changes including the formation of echinocytes (spiky cells) were dominant after subjects actively used the phone for an additional 45 minutes. It appears that RBC stickiness with clumping is the first stage of the cell phone radiation effect. Subsequently, the RBC aggregates tend to break apart, and then cell shape changes occur, in which echinocytes and other misshapen cells are observed. Not all subjects showed both types of changes.” - (Beverly Rubik, 2015, Human short-term exposure to cell phone radiation causes changes in blood cell morphology)

And on the subject of Russia, in a comparison to the United States on 3/29/2020:

U.S.: 137294 Active Cases with 2414 Deaths
Russia: 1534 Active Cases with 8 Deaths

Is it time we turn off and tune out, to see if we have been blinded by the “Radio Flyer” blight?

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