Saturday, March 28, 2020

Coronavirus Cure?

Like in “Arsenic and Old Lace”, is it here and now that “We are the World, We are the Children” have come to the crossroads and must “heed a certain call”, on this eve of destruction this Coronavirus Apocalypse? Sea to shining sea, it is the storm of all storms. And yes, time precious still remains to adopt “Cyanide and New Lace”! I am talking about considering the proverbial “fight fire with fire” sentiment this new age menace that has civilization on the brink of “Harry Scary”. How so? Praytell by using a known “poison” to attack this Coronavirus “poison” - the “New Lace”. Did not the German Nazi scientists experiment with this notion when developing “germ warfare” during WWII, some ways and means to treat their own civilization if one of Hitler’s “mass murder” biological weapons backfired and thus attacked an unintended audience - its own people? See, it may be that medically prescribed and professionally administered “cyanide” under precise control, it could seize the moment and movement of the “virus” by cutting down the oxygen supply that supports the human body’s cell health - in a cell like priority battle wherein the “cell” tells the “mate” to get lost. Is not the “virus” merely a hijacking “mate” like leach, that would find no seniority or preferential treatment when push comes to shove and be abandoned by the “cell” due depletion of life allowing “oxygen”? Yes, completely opposite the “Ventilator Blues”, which is being used to combat this atrocity. But does that remedy continue to support the “virus” until such time the human body can develop its own germ warfare? Look, there are not enough “ventilators” to combat this Armageddon and its expected attack rate on the global population. And if this “fighting fire with fire works, is not “cyanide” readily available? Johnny Apple seed ring a bell? We need a novel solution, fast and furious and if “cyanide” gives peace a chance, I’m in. And remember this thought through another trying times day:

There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all…

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