Wednesday, February 5, 2020

State of the Eunuch 2/4/2020

So Donald Jong-Thong Trump, aka 45th POTUS Imposter & MOTUSUI - Moron of the United States Under Impeachment - well the “Fucking Moron” came to Nancy’s House last night to deliver his Mitch McConnell Bitch in Heat “State of the Eunuch” Femdom Freeform panty speech. In tow, Melanomia Klaus Fuchs, his immigrant that still doesn’t know how to clean a toilet. So what as the “Fucking Moron” still doesn’t understand what a toilet plunger is used for…hey, where’s Barron? Sad, that the only Tower Maggot with some sense of intelligence was MIA. An “Impeached” Fucking Moron, invading upon the “House” built by the Founding Fathers…an imposter. So pathetic this abuse upon the “House”, but par for the course as this attack on “Democracy” was right out of the Vince McMahon “play book”, aka “FAKE”. Give Mr. Jong-Thong an inch, he makes you swallow a mile long MAGA dildo. See, Doctor Henry Murray tells us that Trump has charisma that addicts like a dog smelling another dog’s butt, which amounts to a following of cultivated imbeciles with an IQ of a “Moron”, and can understand this “Fake” as entertainment as we live in trying times wherein a “laugh is the best medicine”. Yes, laughter upon his GOP Femdom Freedom Caucus, the goons of the GOP. But get over it, my rush to judgement this rash is OK and Patriotic. Wake up America, Rush Limbaugh is a CANCER! But it was so invigorating, to see a wimp like Rush who at one time was the face and chatter of a bully, just barely able to…I am sure he shits his pants and can no longer wipe. Maybe he can take up residence in the White House and give Melanomia something to practice up on, so she can pass that “immigrant” test! Medal of Freedom? More like a “Medal of Femdom Freedom” the way the GOP was giggling and I am glad that Nancy tore up the Moron’s speech, as who in hell would want a souvenir that smells like GOP feces? Last night, get over it America…we were under attack this truant tyrant “dickpotatoe” and maybe it is time we take away the Fucking Moron’s “plunger” as instead of unclogging his own shitter, he is very successful in shoving that “Article of Inreachment” down his constituency’s deep throats, so they gag on Fascism.
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