Monday, February 10, 2020

Life in the IMPOTUS Lane

On a GOOD SUNDAY for Donald Jong-Thong Trump, the 45th “Impeached President of the United States”. Wow, maybe Life in the IMPOTUS Lane!

Honeymooners Stuck on Quarantined Cruise Ship - "Get us off the ship. We just don't feel like we're safe. We should be quarantined in a sanitary environment that's safe, not on a cruise ship that's already infected. Donald Trump, save us. Get us a government-based airplane. Get us off the ship."

Man arrested outside White House - Police arrested a 25-year old man from Brandon, Florida, outside the White House on Saturday after he threatened to assassinate President Donald Trump with a knife. The man was placed under arrest at which time the arresting officer was advised by the Secret Service that the suspect was a critically missing/endangered person as well as a mental health patient.

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